Whut iz it about girls? Used to be awl I ebber wanted to do with them wuz play da humpety game. Now I cud not care less about dat. I just want awl da pets I can get. I want dem to leeve me alone. But she (Cleo) is warin me down. First she leeves da cat food for me every day. Den she tries to lay against me awl da time. She wets me hab da best seat an wets me snuggle wif my dad. She gibs me da best seet in da car. She eben shares foodies wif me. Whut iz a fella to do? I iz so confyuzed.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Spin da bee
Bin tryin' to tell Mama bowt how beez ar not to pway wif. 2 times I hav had a mistery fat flew (wlip) ware da vetlady habbed to giv me a shot an' piwws. I colleck buggies an' did not noe dat deez wuz sharp! (Sorta wike da Pippicat.) I taked Mama a pwetty moff, a woolly bear, widdle buggies wif armor on - Mama caws dem stinky bugs, an sum udder wuns, but da 2 times I twied to pick up deez pwetty yello buzzies, I gots owched. Dis day she wuz mowin' an' da beez iz owt cuz its bin rainin' an' rainin' an' rainin'! I seed da bloo monster suck up da widdle bee an' spin him into da bewwy ov dat beest, den spit it owt a zillyun milez an howr. Mama wuz lukky!! She did not get owched wike me. Weww, she did not put it in her mowf, eever. Nex' time I wiww teww yu abowt my noo sister. Heer she coms to leen aganst me.....gotta go! Bye!
Monday, June 18, 2018
Mor tawkin'
Vito still tawkin' heer. I am finkin' dat yu only saw Arfur's vyoo ov me. So heer is my sewf.
I WUV to ride in da twuk an' I wike to ride in da car.
I wike wawkies but can't wawk too far due to my leg.
I used to wike toys...Arfur's toys. Dey ar not so much fun now.
I WUV ice screem. Enny flaver sept froots ov enny kind.
I HATE froot...awl froot.
I WUV cheez...but not cheetos (dat I uzed to eet cuz Arfur did).
I WUV chikky!
I can lissen reel well. But only wen I want to. I like to keep dem gessing.
I reely reely hate gwrasses dat tickle my wizzer. I make my mama keep it mode.
I wuv dat wen I get skared at nite, I can hop (reelly hop) into bed wif Mama an' Papa ware I feel safe snuggled wif dem.
I WUV meetin' peepulls! So speshul to go see my antie lorie at Twaktor Supply and get pets an' luvvin' frum my fans.
Jus' wun kwestchun. Whut do dey meen wen day say "dat iz da biggest doxie I ebber seed!"??
Or "I hab a widdle wun jus' wike that!!"?? Why do day say dat?
Mor layter...gotta go cuz Mama iz awl stwessed owt wif da constwukshun pweparayshuns. An' lawndry, an'
EEEEKKK!!!! Wook owt!! Gotta go dere coms da big sukkky masheen....
I WUV to ride in da twuk an' I wike to ride in da car.
I wike wawkies but can't wawk too far due to my leg.
I used to wike toys...Arfur's toys. Dey ar not so much fun now.
I WUV ice screem. Enny flaver sept froots ov enny kind.
I HATE froot...awl froot.
I WUV cheez...but not cheetos (dat I uzed to eet cuz Arfur did).
I WUV chikky!
I can lissen reel well. But only wen I want to. I like to keep dem gessing.
I reely reely hate gwrasses dat tickle my wizzer. I make my mama keep it mode.
I wuv dat wen I get skared at nite, I can hop (reelly hop) into bed wif Mama an' Papa ware I feel safe snuggled wif dem.
I WUV meetin' peepulls! So speshul to go see my antie lorie at Twaktor Supply and get pets an' luvvin' frum my fans.
Jus' wun kwestchun. Whut do dey meen wen day say "dat iz da biggest doxie I ebber seed!"??
Or "I hab a widdle wun jus' wike that!!"?? Why do day say dat?
Mor layter...gotta go cuz Mama iz awl stwessed owt wif da constwukshun pweparayshuns. An' lawndry, an'
EEEEKKK!!!! Wook owt!! Gotta go dere coms da big sukkky masheen....
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Vito tawks
Yep, I sed I wud post mor ov Arfur's stories. But jus' fer today, I gotta tawk.
Now I am awl alone. I nebber ebber wuz alone in my life. Yu mite notiss I tawk a bit difrent dan my brudder did. I dont hab hiz floppy flews or slobber. I wuz nebber afrade ov NUFFIN...til now. Ya see, I dont hab my mussel enny mor. My big brudder taked care ov me in a way dat da peeps cant.Yeah, I hav Papa an' Mama. But dat iz not da same. Dey cant bite. So now da werld iz a big skerry plase. I cry a wot. I hav lerned dat winin' gets me far. I awlso am no longer an eet-it-awl type basset. I am fussy. I am pikky. I spit fings owt. I freeked Mama owt today wen I spitted owt a cheez doodull. "AR yu OK??" "Yu awlwayz liked Cheez Doodulls!" Yup. I am lernin' to pway da game. Az onwy a onwy dog can do. I gots da werld on a string. It may be big an' skerry, but I'm werkin' on fixin' dat.
Now I am awl alone. I nebber ebber wuz alone in my life. Yu mite notiss I tawk a bit difrent dan my brudder did. I dont hab hiz floppy flews or slobber. I wuz nebber afrade ov NUFFIN...til now. Ya see, I dont hab my mussel enny mor. My big brudder taked care ov me in a way dat da peeps cant.Yeah, I hav Papa an' Mama. But dat iz not da same. Dey cant bite. So now da werld iz a big skerry plase. I cry a wot. I hav lerned dat winin' gets me far. I awlso am no longer an eet-it-awl type basset. I am fussy. I am pikky. I spit fings owt. I freeked Mama owt today wen I spitted owt a cheez doodull. "AR yu OK??" "Yu awlwayz liked Cheez Doodulls!" Yup. I am lernin' to pway da game. Az onwy a onwy dog can do. I gots da werld on a string. It may be big an' skerry, but I'm werkin' on fixin' dat.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Da stories go on
Hiya. Dis iz Vito heer. Missin' my brudder ARf vewy much. But he gived me a messij to post. He weft a bunch o' bwoggies dat nebber gotted posted. He made me pwomis I wud share dem wif hiz fans fer a wile. Mama cant kwite type dem yet, but I wiww puww owt da files an' make shur she puts dem on heer. I wiww awlso share sum ov my own, tho I no dat hiz is whut peepulls want.
Da nite he weft fer da Bwidje, he givved me dis to teww.
"Vito, I am leevin' yu dis nite. I hav got awl da smewws an' pets an' luv rapped up in my spirit to keep wif me. I wiww miss yu an' speshully Mama an' Papa, but it iz time fer me to go cuz I am old an' sick. I am leevin' Mama wif a speshull gift dat only I can giv her. I am goin' by myself. After I am gon, it wiww be da furst time dat Mama will no dat I am reely gon and dat she duz not need to be afwaid ov my deff. I saw she cud not handle wen Bwossom, hu yu nebber met, an Hugo weft on dis jerney. She cud not bare to see or be neer dem. But dis time, she wiww no dat it is awlrite, dat I am not heer and dat da Arfur she luvs iz not in dis body. Dis iz my gift to her along wif awl my luv.
Dont cwy too much cuz dat wiww make her sadder. Take care ov her an' Papa an' dont be meen to da Pippicat. Yu wuz a gud brudder. But eben today yu cud not beet me in resslin or be top dog. Tomorro yu wiww be."
Wen he weft, I ran upstares to Mama an' Papa and spended da nite wif dem. I did not teww dem Arfur wuz gon. He had woofed wun last gudbye, den flew away. I wiww awlways miss him. He tawt me so menny fings. Now Mama takes me evryware cuz I hab nebber bin alone, ebber.
So wen fings settle down, I wiww start sharin' hiz files wif yu. Fank yu so much fer da menny menny messajes an' pwayers. Got to go cuz da puter iz gettin' wet...
Da nite he weft fer da Bwidje, he givved me dis to teww.
"Vito, I am leevin' yu dis nite. I hav got awl da smewws an' pets an' luv rapped up in my spirit to keep wif me. I wiww miss yu an' speshully Mama an' Papa, but it iz time fer me to go cuz I am old an' sick. I am leevin' Mama wif a speshull gift dat only I can giv her. I am goin' by myself. After I am gon, it wiww be da furst time dat Mama will no dat I am reely gon and dat she duz not need to be afwaid ov my deff. I saw she cud not handle wen Bwossom, hu yu nebber met, an Hugo weft on dis jerney. She cud not bare to see or be neer dem. But dis time, she wiww no dat it is awlrite, dat I am not heer and dat da Arfur she luvs iz not in dis body. Dis iz my gift to her along wif awl my luv.
Dont cwy too much cuz dat wiww make her sadder. Take care ov her an' Papa an' dont be meen to da Pippicat. Yu wuz a gud brudder. But eben today yu cud not beet me in resslin or be top dog. Tomorro yu wiww be."
Wen he weft, I ran upstares to Mama an' Papa and spended da nite wif dem. I did not teww dem Arfur wuz gon. He had woofed wun last gudbye, den flew away. I wiww awlways miss him. He tawt me so menny fings. Now Mama takes me evryware cuz I hab nebber bin alone, ebber.
So wen fings settle down, I wiww start sharin' hiz files wif yu. Fank yu so much fer da menny menny messajes an' pwayers. Got to go cuz da puter iz gettin' wet...
Friday, April 13, 2018
Yankin' Mama's Chane
We bin havin' winter an' sno an' cold fer soooo long. Ize reely dun wif awl of it. So today is warmer, no sno, no rane, gwass is startin' to come bak an' I dont wanna be in da howse. So I am stayin' in da yard an' luvvin' whut luks wike spwing. Now Mama bin huvverin' ober me watewy. She haz com owt a few times an' Papa too afore he went in da twuk. She iz gettin' awl weepy an' werried, siwwy womin. Duzn't she no dat I wanna see dis nise wevver? Da sun iz comin' up now an' eben if I can't heer da birdies singin', I see dem flyin' arownd. After habin' meet lofe an' pork role last nite an' yummy ise cweem, I am ok not eetin' rite now. She made me take my piwws dis mornin' an' I am gonna get her bak. I am gonna stay heer an' enjoy dis spwing day. She can keep makin' tishoos nice n snotty fer Vito to steel. Mebbe Papa wiww take us fer a twuk ride wen he gets home. I hope so. I wuv my noo twuk.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Fun wif Dad
Dad gots a noo twuk a wile bak an' he putted a speshul seet in da bak fer me n Vito. We got rides wunce in a wile, but lately dey gots much bedder! He has taked us to Burger King fer chikky nuggets, cheezy burgers an' ice kweem. He has taked us to da After fer ice kweem. Awl dat wuz gud. Wunce he taked me to da vetman - not so gud, but den he gotted me ice kweem. Doncha fink it cud not be bedder dan dat? It IS bedder. Now I gots my own windo dat iz jus' fer me so I kin sniffs ware we iz goin'. Vito wikes to ride watchin Papa. Me? I wuv wookin' owta da windo!
I am luvvin' watchin' da gwass com bak an' da birdies. I am drinkin' wots of wadder an' takin' my piwws wike a gud boy. I nap a lot too. Da bestest fing? Vito don't steel my fuds wen I eet reelly slo (witch I nebber did!) Now I gotta go giv Mama dat sad doggy wook dat gets me reelly gud stuffs wike meetlofe, chikky, hammy burgers, hot doggies, an' sumtimes mor dan wun at a time! I eben gotted wivverwerst! I gots to teww Millie how to pway Unka Doug bedder for reelly gud foods! Mebbe Papa wiww take us in da big twuk agan tonite! I kin smeww Burger King frum heer!
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Me an' Vito get ice kweem in da twuk |
I am luvvin' watchin' da gwass com bak an' da birdies. I am drinkin' wots of wadder an' takin' my piwws wike a gud boy. I nap a lot too. Da bestest fing? Vito don't steel my fuds wen I eet reelly slo (witch I nebber did!) Now I gotta go giv Mama dat sad doggy wook dat gets me reelly gud stuffs wike meetlofe, chikky, hammy burgers, hot doggies, an' sumtimes mor dan wun at a time! I eben gotted wivverwerst! I gots to teww Millie how to pway Unka Doug bedder for reelly gud foods! Mebbe Papa wiww take us in da big twuk agan tonite! I kin smeww Burger King frum heer!
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