Friday, May 28, 2010
Ware did da dirt go?
Dis mornin' Vito an' me went owt da doggy dore to potty befor bwekfast. I wuz winnin' da race and went fru da dore, across da porch an'...WHA??? Watt happinned to owr dirt? Ware da durt wuz is all hard wike a rok. It is smoove an' hard an' sorta nice to pway on, but ware did da dirt go? How did dis happin? Last nite daddy wuz werkin' owtside very late, but he cud not make da dirt turn into rok! Cud he? It wuz not dat wet stuff dat wooks wike mud an' gets hard. It is not reelly stones, but it is like bofe ov dem. we crissenned it :). Now it is owrs. Den wen Lady an' Hugo came owt, dey crissened it too. Its gud to be a doggy. Peeple hav to read a name on fings. We just sniff.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Strange fings
A reelly strange fing happinned in da morning. Mama went to da dore an' cawled da Pippicat. She herd sumfin' comin' but not da bell of da Pippicat. All ov a sudden owt from behind da tree coms a brown gote. It got no horns an' looks reelly skinny...sorta pretty. Mama sed her name wuz Deer. Strange name for a gote but den so iz Velveeta and Cheezit. Mama ran to get her pitcher takin' box, but Deer ran away...did not even stay for da mornin' feedin'. Gess she did not wike hay and gote fud.
It has rained so much dat da grass is deep it tikkles owr tummies. I don't wike dat. Mama better get owt da big bloo monster an' get him to eet dat grass kwik! It makes me itchy awl over. No mor rain - PLEEZ!!
Rain rain go away
We want grass an' not big hay,
No rain, onwy showers
So we kin hav owr pwetty fwowers.
No more fings Dad has to fix
Like roofs an' wells an' dores dat clix
He needs no more seement to mix.
Giv him a bwake.
A rest he take.
Arfur, hu luvs hiz dad
It has rained so much dat da grass is deep it tikkles owr tummies. I don't wike dat. Mama better get owt da big bloo monster an' get him to eet dat grass kwik! It makes me itchy awl over. No mor rain - PLEEZ!!
Rain rain go away
We want grass an' not big hay,
No rain, onwy showers
So we kin hav owr pwetty fwowers.
No more fings Dad has to fix
Like roofs an' wells an' dores dat clix
He needs no more seement to mix.
Giv him a bwake.
A rest he take.
Arfur, hu luvs hiz dad
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Wanna no da fyooochur?
Hay evry buddy! Wanna noe whut iz gonna happen dis week comin' up? I cud tell yu! Wanna noe why? Mama sed if I don't kwit winin', sheez gonna send me to da middle ov nex' week!! Izn't dat grate?
An' I gotted her so 'sited dat she made a noo Cayjun fud...bwakkened pork choppies. Hers is toe tully red in da face over inventin' dat!! An' its awl be caws of me! She don't fink daddy's gonna like it, tho. She can give it to me! Yeah!
Hmm...wonder why she luks so mad?
An' I gotted her so 'sited dat she made a noo Cayjun fud...bwakkened pork choppies. Hers is toe tully red in da face over inventin' dat!! An' its awl be caws of me! She don't fink daddy's gonna like it, tho. She can give it to me! Yeah!
Hmm...wonder why she luks so mad?
Want to share my happy heart
Today I am a very happy fella. My bestest buddy habbed a very bad week an' got hurt an' cud not wawk. Da vetman gave him medisin an' now he can wawk. He iz wobbly but he can wawk. Not only duz it meen he iz gonna be ok, it meens my Antie Lois feels releef an' joy an' dat makes me very very happy. I luv my Antie an' my buddy Buster an' hiz brudder Cooper. Day ar part ov my famly. It feels so gud to not werry enny more - but I'm still a' droolin' fer my bud! So he gets awl better.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Gess whuts for supper
Mama sed tonite weer havin' hedgehoggie stoo. She cut da grass today an' sed dat I did not pik up my toys. My hole hedgehoggie famly is GONE!! Awl chopped up into widdle peeses. I told Vito he bedder pick up da toys, but no, he did not lissen. So mama, papa, an' baby hedgehoggie ar gone forever. I will not eet hedgehoggie stoo no matter how hungry I get. Ooooh, look! She wuz scarin' me! Dey ar not gone! But dey will be put away until I lern a pick up my toys wen I am told. Whew! I wuz reelly werried. Gess I better lern to lissen better. But hey! I am reelly gud at "leev it!"
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
We smeww gud enuff to eat!
To be bweef, Hugo, Lady an' me awl hav piney rezzin in owr fur. Not Vito - nuffin stiks to him - not even twubble! So sumbuddy tole mama to uze May Naze to get it owt. It duz not. duz sorta. It takes owt da widdle spots, da stikky spots, an' da not sunk in spots. It duz NOT howebber remoov da spots deep in owr fur - an' Lady habs long fur fer a basset. I hab long furs ware I am un menchunibble, an' Hugo habs sorta longish fur but not like Lady but it is soft an' not a "hard cote" wike Vito an' me hav. Whut it DUZ do iz make us taste yummy. Vito spent awl last nite likkin' Lady cuz she smelled wike a sammich. She did not care - I fink she likes dat ackshully. But mama iz goin' cwazy tryin' to figger owt how to get dis stuff owta owr fur. Dont noe why cuz we will just get sum more. We just luv to play under doze piney tweez!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Speshul Drool for Antie Sandy

I gots to teww da hole world abowt Antie Sandy and how speshul she is to me. Wifowt her I wud not be da gud boy dat I am. Way bak wen I wuz a pup, I habbed ishoos. I wud lunje at peeple dat I did not kno or trust. I nebber bited ennybuddy, but I wuz skerry. Antie Sandy showed my mama whut to do an' say an' to gib me speshul smellystuffs. AND Antie Sandy gibbed me yummy treets, too! So mama pwacktissed wif me an' now wen she sez "fwend" I kno dat da pawson will not hurt me or her and iz ok. I am now a gwate host and hav pikniks an' pawties at my howse and becawze of Antie Sandy it is FUN and not skerry enny more. I eben go to pawties at da waddles wif wots ov peeples and houndies and I am gud - well, sept for cownter croozin.
So rite now, I am droolin' speshul drool fer my Antie Sandy an' her fwends an' her babies cuz dere hearts ar bwaking an' I cannot be dere to snuggle her so I must send drool. And I am tellin' da world, "I love yu Antie Sandy!"
Cuz I do.
Here is a pitcher of my big sister Pw. Blossom hu loved her too.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Too menny sad fings
A houndie's head can barely unnerstand. So menny houndies to da menny humans wif achy harts and sad teers. Hug yer babies tonite. An' remember doze in yer prayers, dat dey need speshul comfort an' extra prayers and drool. An' pleez deer God keep us all safe tonite. I am only a liddle basset and not important, but mama sez to care for all...ALL, so pleez keep us all in yer care tonite. Tomorrow is a new day, but tonite is for sadness.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Da Baff Song
Wash my ears my silky ears
Suds my long and waggy tale
Scrub my back so long and black
Soap that fing dat makes me male ;)
Clean my big ol’ muddy paws
Get da gunkies off my flews
Rinse da suds off of me all
And I’ll look all shiny new
Hoo hoo hoo
Wash my ears my long long ears
Suds my waggy waggy tale
Scrub my back so long and black
Trim doze skritchy scratchy nails,
Rub my tummy as you scrub
Get da gunkies off my flews
Rinse da suds into the tub
And I’ll look all spankin’ new…
All shiny clean and spankin new, ya-hoo!
Wash my ears my silky ears
Suds my long and waggy tale
Scrub my back so long and black
Soap that fing dat makes me male ;)
Clean my big ol’ muddy paws
Get da gunkies off my flews
Rinse da suds off of me all
And I’ll look all shiny new
Hoo hoo hoo
Wash my ears my long long ears
Suds my waggy waggy tale
Scrub my back so long and black
Trim doze skritchy scratchy nails,
Rub my tummy as you scrub
Get da gunkies off my flews
Rinse da suds into the tub
And I’ll look all spankin’ new…
All shiny clean and spankin new, ya-hoo!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
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