Not only did it snow on Fanksgiving, but a flower growed in owr garden for da furst time. It wuz sooo cold owt! Don't hav enny ideya how dat flower came dere. We did not get to go wif Mama an' Papa to Gramma's, but dey brot us back turkey an' lots ov gud smells. We hav so menny fings to say fank yu for. An' Mama sez fank gudness we wuz gud!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Owr Fanksgiving Mirackles
Not only did it snow on Fanksgiving, but a flower growed in owr garden for da furst time. It wuz sooo cold owt! Don't hav enny ideya how dat flower came dere. We did not get to go wif Mama an' Papa to Gramma's, but dey brot us back turkey an' lots ov gud smells. We hav so menny fings to say fank yu for. An' Mama sez fank gudness we wuz gud!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Helpful houndies
Now, furst fing I shud tell yu iz Hugo iz az old az durt. He sumtimes haz pwoblems makin' it to da doggy dore, speshully wen he bin sleepin'. He wakes up an' finks if he wawks fru a dore, he iz owt. NOT. Sumtimes he ackshully goze fru da doggy dore an' can't find owt how to get back innit. So he woofs. And he woofs.
Ennyhow, dis mornin' Mama coms down da stares an' seez a puddle by Hugo's chare. Wile she iz gettin' stuffs to clean it an' spray it, she stops in da washer room to put on slippers. Hmm...somfin' did not feel rite. Takes her footie owt an dere iz sumfin brown on it. EEeeeeewwwww! Now ware did she step in dat?? Yup, neer da puddle. So after she cleened it offa her foot, gotted her shooz on, mopped up da puddle an' sprayed it wif pee stuff, she went fer tishoo to pick up da pooper ware ebber dey were. Only 2 wuz left - da wun she pikked up an' da wun I pikked up! See? I helped her owt an' so did Vito hu gotted sum befor Mama gotted dere at awl. So Mama only had wun widdle piece to pick up an fro away. An' yu fot houndies cud not help cleen, rite? Hehehe. Never under es - ,er, esti, uh...wemember we kin do ennyfing if we wanna. Now to get my turkey treet...
Ennyhow, dis mornin' Mama coms down da stares an' seez a puddle by Hugo's chare. Wile she iz gettin' stuffs to clean it an' spray it, she stops in da washer room to put on slippers. Hmm...somfin' did not feel rite. Takes her footie owt an dere iz sumfin brown on it. EEeeeeewwwww! Now ware did she step in dat?? Yup, neer da puddle. So after she cleened it offa her foot, gotted her shooz on, mopped up da puddle an' sprayed it wif pee stuff, she went fer tishoo to pick up da pooper ware ebber dey were. Only 2 wuz left - da wun she pikked up an' da wun I pikked up! See? I helped her owt an' so did Vito hu gotted sum befor Mama gotted dere at awl. So Mama only had wun widdle piece to pick up an fro away. An' yu fot houndies cud not help cleen, rite? Hehehe. Never under es - ,er, esti, uh...wemember we kin do ennyfing if we wanna. Now to get my turkey treet...
We ar fankful
Hugo an' Vito an' me wer finking abowt Fanksgiving an' we reel lized dat we ar lukky hounds. We gots snuggy comfy beds wen we wanna sleep in dem an' Mama's bed wen we don't. We gots yummy food an' a gramma dat cooked speshul turkey jus' fer US . We gots a Mama an' Papa dat gets gilty cuz dey left us alone an' gived us extra treets! An' wen dey got home, extra snuggles, too! We got a nickzillyun toys to play wif an' a hyooj bak yard to run an' play in. AND we hav a doggy dore so we can go dere wen we want to. Best ov awl we hav Camp Arfur to hav frends com an' visit us an' a Mama an' Papa dat lets dem...ackshully invites dem! Hmmm...dere iz a pat turn yu see it? I fink da fing we ar most fankful for iz owr Mama an' Papa an' da home we awl share. We ar not homeless hownds enny mor!
Sooo we try to gets munny fer to help da howndies dat ar still homeless! Dats wy I rited my book! I awlreddy sended munny to da ole doggies at House ov Puddles an' I wanna send sum to Antie Leslie in 'Tana fer her homeless howndies to keep warm (cuz it is brrrrrrrrrrr!!! cold dere!) I hope mor peeples will get my book so I kin help 'Tana Basset Reskew too. Dey reelly need it! Hugo likes da ole doggy reskews like HOP an' Senior Houndsabound so we hav dem on owr list too. Me? I wanna help dem AWL!! Why? Evry houndy shud hav a home an' sumbuddy hu luvs dem. Like me.
I am such a lukky boy!
Sooo we try to gets munny fer to help da howndies dat ar still homeless! Dats wy I rited my book! I awlreddy sended munny to da ole doggies at House ov Puddles an' I wanna send sum to Antie Leslie in 'Tana fer her homeless howndies to keep warm (cuz it is brrrrrrrrrrr!!! cold dere!) I hope mor peeples will get my book so I kin help 'Tana Basset Reskew too. Dey reelly need it! Hugo likes da ole doggy reskews like HOP an' Senior Houndsabound so we hav dem on owr list too. Me? I wanna help dem AWL!! Why? Evry houndy shud hav a home an' sumbuddy hu luvs dem. Like me.
I am such a lukky boy!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Hu wudda thunk?
Nebber thot I'd be riting this - dat my brudder iz a brave but dum hero. Last nite I wuz takin' my nappy on da big chare an' I cud heer Vito wif hiz deep ol' "WOOF!" owtside. I figgered he wuz woofin' at da gotes an' I had awreddy had my turn an' it wuz time fer my nap. Mama kep heerin' him an' got da lite an' went to see whut he wuz barkin' at. Furst she gotted him in da howse in case it wer a bare or skunk or sumfin' like dat. She surched evryware but cudn't see nuffin' but a pare ov peepers shinin' up in da gote pen. Yellow peepers, reddish uppy-sticky eers...mus' be Pippicat - an' dat wud explane da nukklehed barkin' hiz branes owt. So she cawls..."Pippi!" Nuffin' but a blink. "Heer Pippi!" Nuffin' - jus' an udder blink ov da yello peepers. So Mama, dum lady dat she iz, opinned da gote gate an' wawked up da hill. Now da goties wuz nurvuss. Dat werried Mama cuz dey iz not afrade of much. Dey gots horns! (I kin teww yu frum furst hand speeryense). So Mama wawked. Az she went up da hill, da critter got up an' ran away but not far. Den she cud see da bushy tale - a fox! So she shooed it an' it ran a liddle mor, but still not owta da gote pen (witch iz pritty big - bowt a aker). Now she coms an' gets me an' Vito - cawz gosh darnit I am woke up now. She haz us sniff da yard an' pee an' stuff...but no barkin' cuz dere wuz no fox dere now.
So hu wudda thunk my brudder wud be a heero? Not me. He's a dum pane in da...fooey Mama iz sayin' nuh-uh. So I tole yu an' now it iz nappy time agan.
Vito on watch
So hu wudda thunk my brudder wud be a heero? Not me. He's a dum pane in da...fooey Mama iz sayin' nuh-uh. So I tole yu an' now it iz nappy time agan.
Vito on watch
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Old dog gets da cookies
Whelp, today my ayngshunt brudder showed he iz still da bestest feef ebber. Mama filled owr boles fer supper an' putted Hugo in da kitchin, me at my spot in da eetin' room an' Vito in hiz crate (ware he goze awl by hisself az soon az she pix up da boles.) We awl did whut we iz spozed to an wuz eetin' nice. Suddinly Mama jumps up an' runs fru da kitchin gate jus' in time to catch Hugo suckin' up cookies as fast as he can. A parent lee he kin still reech doze hard to git at playses. She chased him owt an' tried to keep me frum runnin' in to finish da job. An' she did it, too. Kep me owt. Nex he ran behind Mama's chare wif Vito on his tail an' Vito jus' kep sniffin' an' breevin' in da cookie smell an' I bet he cud evin tayst dem on Hugo's breff. Ennyway, we ar awl in owr corners now an' droolin' an' dreemin' abowt steelin' cookies.
Yer never too old to be bad, I gess. Or luv cookies.
Yer never too old to be bad, I gess. Or luv cookies.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Colleckshun continyooed
Mama is on da war path agan. Vito mooved hims colleckshun to da bedroom. NOT a good moove on his part! She is tossin' it owta da windoe. She still mad frum last nite wen he waked me up to go owtside to bark at a critter in da dark in da middle ov da nite. I bet it wuz da Pippicat, but hu can be shur wif my nutty brudder? Ennywayz, Mama an' Papa gotted waked up (an' probly da naybors too) an' we gotted scolded an' sent to bed.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
My weerd brudder
Mama iz a widdle upset. She fot she had cyoored Vito ov a very bad habbit. But she fownded hiz latest colleckshun hid behind her rockin' chare. He collecks woolly bares an' stinky bugs. He digs da woolly bares (day iz liddle wormies wif a fuzzy cote) owt ov da leefs an' brings dem in. Da stinky bugs com in on dare own but he finds dem an' stashes dem wif da woolies. I fink da naybors herd her find dem. Yup, priddy shur. Now da wooly bares iz back owtside ware day belong an' da stinky bugs ar in da sukky monster dat cleens up owr hares. Cuz if yu tuch a stinky bug...dey stink!
Well, fer da time bein', Vito haz a colleckshun ov yellow balls in hiz crate. We wiww see how long he duz dat. Mama better hope fer frost soon. :)
Well, fer da time bein', Vito haz a colleckshun ov yellow balls in hiz crate. We wiww see how long he duz dat. Mama better hope fer frost soon. :)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Mama's noo toy
Mama came home wun day wif a noo toy. Now let me eggs plain dat she duz not fink it iz a toy. It iz to do werk (she sez), but fer me an' my snotty brudder Vito it iz da most funnest toy evver!! Furst she plugs it in da wall, den she turns a swich and BRRRROOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM!!! Da leefs blo awl over da place and moov down da yard an' Vito an' me run an' run an' run an' it iz soo much FUN!! Ov corse, Mama can't use her arms after dat fer a wile, but it is sooo worf it! Back to da yard to run wif da wind maker dat bloze da leefs!! YIPPEEE!!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Arfur 4, garden gluvs zero
Today Mama an' Papa taked away awl owr leefs. Patooey! So wen Mama went in da howse an' taked off her gluvs an' jacket, I stayed owtside until I herd her take Papa a drink in da frunt. AHA! I wuz pretty shur I cud reech her garden gluvs on da' wen she came in she looked on da flore an dere wuz da evvy dense. Uh, I meen whut wuz left ov her gluv. Now we bin fru green, yellow, red an' now purple. Hope she gets an nudder culler fer me to taste! :)
Do I hav nooz fer Mama!
Today is leef pickup day. Boo! We wannaa keep dem longer! We will see whut happins won't we? hehehe
Oh! An' I heerd Mama tawkin' abowt takin' owr pitcher fer howliday cards. BWAHAHAHAHA!! Do we hav a s'prize fer HER!!
Oh! An' I heerd Mama tawkin' abowt takin' owr pitcher fer howliday cards. BWAHAHAHAHA!! Do we hav a s'prize fer HER!!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
A hart to hart tawk wiff my mama
Mama an' me had a reelly nice tawk wile we wuz snugglin' da udder day. It wuz abowt leefs. Yep, leefs - da kind on da treez. She wuz goin' on an' on an' ON abowt how purty dey ar diss yeer an' how looonnng dey lasted an' how brite da cullers ar an' how dey ar bedder dis yeer dan menny udder yeers. An now dey ar fallin' down an' eben now dey ar so pritty amung da empty treez - brite yelloes an' brilly ant reds - whutever doze ar. Ennyway yada yada yada...yu no whut I meen.
Now me an' Vito LUV doze leefs! Not for whut dey look like - nooo! Dey ar FUN! Dey ar so crunchy an' dey fly so hi an' dey ar so neet to run fru!! An' we jump in an' owt ov da piles of leefs - woof! woof! woofin' da hole way!! It iz even bedder when Mama iz blowin' dem wif da leef masheen dat iz like da wind! Wheeee!! rownd an' rownd an' rownd we go makin' da leefs fly as we go! Whut fun! My frend Coop wudda luvved it...I shur miss him. Ennywayz, I hope yu get to play in leefs...wun ov God's bestest toys!
Till nex' time...
Monday, November 1, 2010
New month, old mischiff
Whelp - furst fing I gotta say she askeded for it. Yu fink she wudda lurnd by now not to wawk away frum her brekfist. But she did. She lefted her brekfist drink on her desk wif a crakker. Now, is it MY fawlt dat it spilt all over da plase? It taked a pile ov towls to mop up under da 'puter, da fone, da stapler, da printer, da screen fingy wif da pitchers on it, da speekers, her notes, reseets an' papers, da flore...yu get da pitcher. An' me? I gotted da crakker.
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