I not shur whut iz goin' on but doze tweez iz frowin' fings at Vito 'n' me! Evwy time I go owt to do my bizness, I gets hitted by hard widdwe bawws!! Vito duz not want to go owt dere. Mama wuz mad cuz he peed inna howse, but I am shur he gotted hit in da hed an' gave up goin' owt dat dore! Awso, da gwass iz fuww ov deze widdwe fings. Vito finks dey ar to pway wif. I say NO! It iz ammo fer da treez! Dey hurts! How ebber, we hav fownd a way to uze dem. We put dem on da flore in side an' we made Mama twip free times! We shur gets her attenshun! BWAHAHAHA!! We iz lukky da bwellas to da piknik tabels is stiww up cuz we kan wawk awl ober da patty o wifowt gettin' hit. Meenwile its rainin' bawws...ware iz my hard hat?? Or a bwewwa. Pwitty soon we wiww need boots to pwotekt owr feets too! How ar we spozed to chase doze dum chickmunkies if da pwase iz cuvvered wif bawws?
OWCH!! Dat wuz a BIGGER wun - and harder!! Grrrrrr....wate till I find Papa's buzzy twee cutter! Dey wiww be sowwy!! An we wiww hav mor wud fer da stove to keep us tostie! If onwy I had fums.
Friday, September 15, 2017
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