Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My furst time

Whelp, heer I am, blogging for da furst time. I am speechless at da moment. I gotta fink abowt dis a wile. Ok? I wanna tell abowt my book. It wuz much eezier to do the book than diss. But I will adj...er, uh...adjuss...I will get uzed to it. It is named ARFUR T. LEADBOTTOM SINGS and it has my pomes in it. It has lots of pitchers too frum menny years of waddles, pikniks, and my pawsonal colleckshun. Hmmm...I'll rite more later.

1 comment:

  1. There once was a basset named Arf
    who gave us all many a larf
    songs that he wrote
    did so emote
    we all shouted "Hooray for Arf!"
