Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fun at Da Trowt Pawrade

On da twelf ov June we went in da big red truck to Roscoe NY. We wuz goin' to a pawrade an' piknik an' we wuz gonna see LOTS ov owr fwends. Mama wuz not feelin' wike campin', so we went for da day an' it wuz GWATE!! Wen we gots to da pawrade lineup, we seed Antie Suzanne an' Unka Mike an' Antie Alice an' Antie Lois wif Buster an' hiz noo wuz AWESUM!! Wen we walked down da street in da pawrade, peeples cheered an' yelled "yay, bassets!!" Den we looked over, an dere wuz Antie Lois tellin' da crowds "Lets heer it for da bassets!" hehehe...pwetty cool! We luv owr Antie Lois...she jus' makes stuffs so much fun! Dere wuz flotes an' jiant puppets an' bands an' old cars an' awl kinda stuffs. Da parade wuz only two bloks long, but WOW it habs lots ov stuffs!! Da peeple hab so much fun an' mama sez dat iz contayjus.

After we went to da piknic place ware peeples wuz stayin', wudja beleev day habbed a HUGE chikkin BBQ. For a jus' wun day twip, it wuz so excitin'...we can't wate till nex' yeer. An' we awl got to ware owr genyoowine Anti Kaffi bandydannas cuz mama did not for get dem...hehehe. See? Sumtimes her bwane werks. Mama sed by goin' fer da day insted ov campin' we gave a hole lot more munny to da weskew by buyin' stuffs an' waffle tikkits an' stuff. So it wuz a GUD day awl arownd.

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