Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ketchin' Up

A hole bunch ov fings hav happinned sinse we tawked last time.  We bin baked, fludded, drownd, itchy, sad, happy, seen old frenz, habbed da 2 legger bizzit an' so much mor.  Whelp, dat ketches us up, rite?  hehehe...So let's see, we bin habbin a bare.  No, not da nekkid kind, a mama bare an' 2 widdle wuns.  Vito wiww  not go owt at nite wifowt Mama.  He iz such a chikkin!  I am not askeered.  Howebber, I do not wike my footsies wet...
Dis day, Papa went to da skin doktor.  Gud fing doggies don't hab dat!  We just get a skwirt ov Vetericyn!  But Papa, he gotted hiz finger froze!
 Back to da howndy nooz: Now we gots a fox, free bares, a skunky, da Pippicat, da gote, a hooter up in a twee, an' noyzy naybors.  THAT cuvvers owr reezins fer not goin' owt dat doggy dore in da dark.  So whut did Papa do?  He putted up a lite dat lites wen we step owtside.  No, it iz not fer iz fer da woodpile so Mama duz not grab a critter wif da fire wud.  I gotsta go, but I am shur to be bak to morro cuz dis day Mama iz still moppin' an' tryin' to dry dat seller.  It iz a hole lot bedder, jus' stinky an' damp. menny cans ov Lysol duz it take to do a hole seller?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Arf - you and your Mama have been very busy! We misses you and hope we can hab a playdate soon,

    Lub, Daisy Bewwe, ur gurlfurend
