I tole yu befor dat Papa habs a cold. Yup. But for free days he went to werk ennywayz. So dis mornin' Mama sent him off wif hiz lunch an' a gud brekfist, den she did da email fing an' den went bak to bed wif Vito an' me. Vito wuz waaay under da cuvvers, an' me, I sleep on Mama's piwwow wif da cuvvers just over my back an' snooter. She puts on da nooz, den dozes off sumtimes. Not dis day. She wuz watchin' da nooz an' she fot she herd da Pippicat com in da doggy dore. Bak to da nooz. Den she heerz a noyz on da steps...den it stops. Den she heerz mor steps on da steps an' she gets up an' wooks owt da bedroom dore. She sez..."iz sumbuddy dere?" An nudder step. "HOOZ DERE?" An den she seed Papa hu wuz chukklin'. "Ware iz da dogs?" he sez. "Wy iz it kwiet?" I fink I musta snored at dat moment an' he laffed!! "Sum grate watck dawgs" he sez!! "Wy did yu not send da dawgs owt???" "Uh," Mama sez..."dey wuz asleep." PATOOEY! She hadda giv us away! Now we iz got bad reps az watch dawgs! Mama sez she noze dat if it wuz not Papa we wud hab been vishus, but dat we cud teww it wuz him. Now he haz bin home awl day sick an' we iz keepin' him warm an' not werkin'.
Oh, yeah - Mama gotted com pleetly upset wen she wuz servin' soop at lunch. Da Pippicat had bin in an' just gotted let owtside. Papa satted down an' she put hiz soop down an' just az she putted it down, owta da corner ov her eye she seez sumfin' on da flore. At dat same minnit, so did I. Aaannd - afore she cud get it, I wawked ober an' gently swupped it up wif my wips. She yells "DWOP IT, ARFUR!" but I wook at her vewy sweetwy an' wen she chekked my mowf...nuffin' iz dere. "Yuuuuuk" she sez..." EEEEEWWWWW!" She cud not tell Papa cuz she wanted him to eet hiz soop, but she an' I bofe noo dat I eeted dat big ol' rownd tick. I don't choo nuffin', so it wuz eezy to jus' let it roll down my tung into my tummy. hehehehe...
Nitey nite, awl.
Till nex time,
Gard dog, garding... |
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