Last nite, we gotted left home awl by owrselfs. Vito an' me played a widdle an' taked a nap wile we wated fer Mama an' Papa to get home. Wen dey gots home, as soon as da dore opinned, I cud smeww STAKE! Yummy stake!! Sniff Papa...stake, sniff Mama...stake - HEY whut goze heer? I dont see enny wite boxes. Oh, wate, dere iz a bag in Papa's hand. And YES! Dere iz a wite box in it!! sniff...sniff...don't smeww no stake...sniff snuffle...snort! PATOOEY!!! Its BWED! Wy wud dey bring home BWED?? And NO STAKE?? Mama went on an' on abowt her dewishuss salad (I cud smeww bloo cheez an' maters) an' how tender her fillay wuz. Papa wuz tawkin' abowt spinnich dip an' tor teeyas whuddever doze ar. An' how pawfeck HIS stake wuz. NO FARE! Dey did not eet enny lunches so day cud eet dere stakes. I fink I'm gonna cry.
To add insult to injerry, Mama brotted home noo doggy treets (I cud tell it wuz from Petsmart). Da bag sed 1/2 callery per peese. Gess wy?
Da peeses ar so smaww dat I did not no I ate it. Vito too. She toss it, it goze ZIP - rite down to my tummy wifowt tuchin' my tung! Yep, DAT LIDDLE! I fink she shud take dem bak an' get bigger wuns dat we cud tayst. No fare if yu drop it an find it wif yer noze, yu cant see it to pik it up. BOO! HISS! Big deel made in USA. Fer chorkies I m shur.
Till to morro,
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