We wuz reely gud boys on Fwiday. Awl day until after supper - hooman supper. We wuz leevin' da kitchen wen da widdle bugger snarked at my eer, so I givved him whut for, finkin' dat wud end it. Nope. Mr. Short Fyooz wost it and came on wike a vishus idyut. Mama an' Papa jumped into da fway, gwabbin' Vito an' wokkin' him up in da cwate. Wen he loozes his cool, it takes him a wong, wong time to calm down. So da peepuls habbed to lissen to him whine and growl an' cry and snort until he gotted normul agan. Don't bodder me - I cant heer him no mor. Den, Mama cawt us actin' wike brudders at beddy time. A miracul weely, cuz we nebber do dat.

Today we bin fine. I habbed run owt ov my CBD oil an' incwedibwy, dey sended it in wun day! Gud fing. I don't wanna looz my sooper powers agan. Onwy fing iz now wen I am hungwy, I am HUNGWY! Abowt a zillyun times a day. Mama iz twyin' to figger owt a snak chart dat wiww keep me wess hungwy. Akshully, she wuz owtside pooper skoopin' an' I wuz followin' her da hole time beggin' fer a cukky. Hmph. Did not get wun...too close to supper she sez. An' now no snakkies in da yard eever. Now we gots an owr to go an' eben Vito iz winin'. An' he dont take no CBD cuz he spits it owt. Mama sed tuff luk - its too spensive to waste on a bwat. So it iz MINE and I kin jump up on my chare agan an' sit up an' wook adorabul, too. Yoof in a bottel. Tiww nex' time...
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