We gotted to go wif Mama an' Papa to da trakter show reel far away. Papa taked da trakter, so we rided wif Mama. Vito cried awl da way - owch, my eers!! But wen we gotted dere, it wuz GRATE! Peepul drop fud awl ober da playse. We shared a hammy burger wif Mama an' a cupple frize, too. We herd da man singin' reel nice moosik, but we wuz in da middle ov i screem land. And peepul habbed whut Mama cawled a "appul dumpin'" under it!! We did not get enny, tho, cuz Mama kep' us on a reely short leesh. I wanna ask wy, tho, peepul wanna pet us wile dey are holdin' i screem, cuz dat iz torchur...nilla, choklit, peech, budder peecan - I dreemed abowt it awl nite. Mama nebber met so menny peepul wif basset hownds sept at basset fingys. An' dey awl hadda pet, skritch, snuggle, rub, an' luv on us awl day long. I cud not be happy tho. As hard as I tride to tell Mama, she wuz not heerin' until she taked us in wun ov da liddle shops an' I hedded rite for da heeter. BING! Da lite camed on! She dragged me to da nex shop an' gotted me a widdle kids swet shurt. In no time at awl, she habbed da sleeves rolled up, put it ober my hed, an' smooved it owt.
AAAAHHHH! Reeleef!! At last! Now I cud ackshully hav fun. Da lady dat sold Mama da shurt, ran in an gotted a pickshur taker an' taked my pickshur cuz she sed no buddy wud beleev it. I fink she nebber went to a basset pawrade. Mama wuz kikkin' her sewf for not bringin' owr swedders wif us. My ole bones get cold, after all. After I gotted my shurt, I gotted snapped at by a stoopid pit bull - but I shode him! I snapped rite bak!! Den, wile we wuz sittin' by Papa's trakter, I awmost gotted run ober by 2 sub adults on a quadsikkle. A lot mor peepulls came by an' sed hi to me an' Vito, an' we wuz so wownd up we cud not eben sleep on da ride home. Whut a grate day! I gots mor to teww, but sooo tired zzzzz.......
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