Saturday, October 10, 2015

Ketch up

AARRRROOOOOO!!! Arfur heer! I dont meen da red kinda ketchup, I meen we bin BIZZY heer! I not shur ware to start.  Hmmm...da leefs ar back, so Mama kinda rips her hares owt tryin' to find our turd hokky puks. So whut duz she do? Loks da doggy dore, opins da gate, an' in coms da liddle bloo traktor. Nex fing we see iz a cleen yard (no leefs, cutted grass) wif smooshed poops all ober da plase. An' da weels on da traktor - peeeeyoooo!

An nudder day Mama wawks owt da dore an' dere iz cars in front ov da howse an' peepuls runnin' up da driveway. Den she seez whut iz goin' on - a widdle white fluffy buppy has scaped from da naybors. He camed ober to see me an' Vito, but did not get to see us. Mama an' Papa an' a bunch ov udders twapped him in da corner behind da howse ware Mama gotted a slip leed on him (day habbed no leesh) so he cud not scape agan. Howebber, yesterday he did it agan, but dis time dey gots him kwikker.

Papa bin cuttin' up wood. Da traktor habs a fing dat spwits da woods in peeses, den he piks dem awl up wif da loder and brings dem to da bak corner (ware we cotted da puppy) ware owr peepin' gate is. Heer we kin see owta or  if we want we go up on da wall an' wawk on da woodpile. But mose impawtant it is a potty pwace fer us (much to Papa's dismay). Nex fing we see...or potty is gone!! Da woods wuz put ober da gate an' filled up da hole pwace! It wuz higher dan da gate!  It was awlso longer day six or sebben me' an' Vitos! Did not last, tho. Papa haz it awl stakked in da woodpile now and we gots owr potty bak. He did it till way after da dark came! We woke up to no wood!  YAY!

Whew, I need a nappy finkin' abowt awl dis.

Dare iz so much mor, but dat wiww be layter. Hav a gud day, peepuls!
Till nex' time,

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