Finking ov dis past yeer, I reelize dat I am a lukky boy. Even tho I habbed two toofies pulled - wun dat I broke on a buttin frum my daddy's jeens, I am a helfy boy. I hab a nice home an' a fambly dat luvs me lots. Even tho I losted my sister cuzza bad peeples, I hab my two brudders to play wif. I do get sad, but den Vito butts me an' gets me playin'. I get lotsa gud food an' yummy treets. Peeple com to Camp Arfur to vizit an' play an' it is fun. Best ov all heer iz a brandy noo yeer to start awl over agan an' try to do fings bedder. Evry yeer I bin gettin to be a bedder boy...not so nawty az I wuz before. Mebbee dis yeer I wiww get eben bedder still.
So ennybuddy reedin' dis - have a reelly happy, helfy, lovin' new yeer. An' 'member to treet peeple nice an' give fanks fer awl da gud fings awlways - an' maybe eben da bad fings, too cuz den da gud fings seem gudder.
May evry day be a sunny day in yer hart -
Arfur 2010
Friday, December 31, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
I am a lucky boy
Today iz da day I got gotted by my Mama an' Papa. I am such a lucky boy to hav Camp Arfur an' peeples hu luv me an' 2 brudders an goties to bark at an' a nickzillyun toys an' awl da hedjyhogs I want an' jus' evry fing!! I say fank yu to da grate Spirit hu rools da hole werld an' I herd Mama cawl doG (I turned it rownd fer my own unnerstandin'). Fank hevven fer my home an' famly. Gotta go get my new hedjyhog frum my rotten widdle brudder hu stole it frum me.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Waitin' fer da man
Vito an' me ar goin' to bed erly so Santa will com soon, but Mama an' Papa ar sellybraytin' a birfday furst. Da burfday ov da King. He was da furst an' bestest prezent to awl da hoomans on erf. Ennywayz - cant wate till mornin' ...back to reel fud!
Merry Cwistmas evrybuddy!
Merry Cwistmas evrybuddy!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Weecuvery - owwww
I am finking I wike doggy food inna can. I had lost 2 more pownz an' am down to 46 frum 56 originally. Doc sed da 48 wuz gud, but da 46 iz too wibby. MOR TWEETS! MOR TWEETS!! BIGGER FUD!! But fer now, it's mushy stuff. Iz pasta fattenin'? Dis mornin' I habbed pasta wif hamburger an' weftover chikky gravy an wots ov cheez onnit. Dere iz no Cwissmiss heer dis yeer or eben at gramma's. No turkey or ham, no stuffin' or yams. I wanna go to da diner!
Arf - feelin' a widdle bedder on Cwavamox an' Rimmydill.
Arf - feelin' a widdle bedder on Cwavamox an' Rimmydill.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
My twip to da vetman
Dis mornin' I noo sumfin' wuz up cuz Mama fergotted to feed we...all of most ov awl. Den she taked me for a wong, cold wawk down da street - we nebber ebber wawk down owr stweet. Ebber. Den I hopped in da car an' we went byebye. I luv goin' bye bye - but not dis time. Az soon az we gotted dere I noo I wuz in twubble. I tried to get bak in da car, but Mama habbed me on da doggone leesh an' I hadda go ware she went. I twied not to go in da dore, but, well, yu no. Day taked me offa my leesh an onto dere fingy...tryin' to fool me da hole time wif da "whata gud boy - oh izn't he hansum? Weel take gud care ov yu!" ---- NOT!!! Furst, no fud, no wadder, no Mama. Den a SHOT! OWWIE!! Da nex fing I wemember, I wuz wakin' up frum a nappy wif 2 teef missin'! Da wun I broke on da medal jeens buttin (Mama sed I tole yu not to chew buttins!) an' a big wun in da bak dat leeved a big ol' hole - doze ar whut wuz missin'! Den Mama came an' getted me an still duz not wemember she did not feed me today!! I AM HUNGRY!! I surched da car - no fud. I ran in da kitchin...nuffin I cud reech. Wud sumbuddy pleez feed me??? I ran owt da doggy dore an' dere wuzn't even enny poopsikkles left! Tomorro I gotta hab 2 pills...fer da owchie an' fer da feckshun. Hugo sez dis be nuffin' - he habbed wots ov toofies pulled awl at wunce.
Gotta go back to whinin'. Mebbee Mama wiww wemember my tummy iz on "E".
Gotta go back to whinin'. Mebbee Mama wiww wemember my tummy iz on "E".
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Vito iz finkin' bowt da holly day
Da udder day, I wuz tryin' to take a nappy an' Vito wuz runnin' into da toy box, diggin' rownd, draggin' toyz owt into da livvin' room. Bak an' forf he went agan an' agan. At da end he laid down to take hiz nappy - in da middle ov a nickzillyun Krissmuss toys!! Now he duz not jus' do diss at da holly day. My brudder habs a Krissmiss fed dish. He jus' luvs Santa an' elvs an' bares wif Santa hats an' candy cane fingys - jus' ennyfing to do wif Krissmiss. An' yesterday Mama wuz playin' da classy icicle moozik abowt da baby Jesus an' da star an' da wize mens an' Vito laid dere an' huffed big breffs like diss: [SIGH] [moan] [SIGH] He jus' wuvs evry fing abowt dis holly day. Do yu fink he iz abby normal? I nebber met a doggy wif a Krissmiss fed dish befor. I luv da toyz, but I wuv ALL da toyz. But Vito: only red an' green an' wite toyz abowt Krissmiss - awl yeer long! Rite now it looks like owr toy box 'sploded Santa toyz evryware! An' I bet yu a prime rib dat heez gonna beg Mama to put on hims Krissmiss swedder.
Uh-oh...I jus' herd a roomer dat I mite be seein' da vetman today! I bedder go hide!
Uh-oh...I jus' herd a roomer dat I mite be seein' da vetman today! I bedder go hide!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Blanket wars - continyooed
An' wud yu beleev dat awl Hugo wanted wuz hiz bwekfist hehehe.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sniff - sniff - sniff
Sumfin' iz on my snooter an' I cant figger owt whut it iz. Hmm...smells gud like Mama's jar ov ovals. Not ovals? Er, olavs...olivs - yeah - olivs dats whut it iz. Mama sed to com by her an' she patted me on da eer an' den SWOOSH swiped me across da snooter wif dis - whutebber it is - stuff. It taked away my dry crakkly noze an' made it awl soft an' smooshy agan. But it left me wif dis...dis smell! It be drivin' me cwazy an' I cant stop taystin' my noze!! Oh well, at leest it iz a gud smell an' my snooter iz kissable wunce mor.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Speshul day today
Dis day iz da burfday ov my brudder Hugo. Whelp, at leest hiz burfday to hiz noo life - it iz wen he came heer. So I be reelly gud to him - furst, I shared da sofa wif him dis morin' fer owr nappy. Den, I let him find da lost cookie. I bet Mama iz gonna do sumfin reelly gud fer da ole man, too. We finks he be abowt 14 now but no buddy reelly noze dat. He acks it. He gets lost goin' frum wun plays to an nudder. He woofs for no partickeler reezin. He totters sumtimes (but he still runs fer food!) An' he kin still jump - he haz awl kindsa meddles an' papers sayin' he da champeen jumper. But he cannot jump DOWN, only Mama gots to reskew him alot. He iz a sweet ol' fella - luvs da cat an' shares hiz food wif her an' duz not run after her wike a sertin sumbuddy we no. He luvs Papa abov evrybuddy on erf. He stans an' looms over him evry mornin' till he gets hiz hug an' skritch frum Papa. He habs hiz very own camo shirt...reelly!
So Happy Burfday, Hugo! Da ol' man ov Bloobird Akers.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Midnite woofer
My brudder Hugo iz old. He iz so old he 'members Shadow da lab an' Blossom an' da Scottish twolegger too! Now he iz very for...forg - aw, heck, he forgets stuffs. Hiz noo trik iz to sleep fru Mama's last cawl, den go owt abowt midnite. Owt da doggy dore he goze, awl by hisself. A liddle bit later we heer "Woof! Woof! Let me in!! Woof! WOOF!" Dis wakes da Mama an' down da stares she hobbles (she sez sleepy neez dont werk rite) to let da ole man in. He can nebber 'member how to come bak IN da doggy dore eben doh he went OWT da doggy dore. (I ackshully fink he iz playin' Mama to get cookies). Den bak up da stares, bak in bed, until abowt 4 an' he duz it awl over agan. :) Mama sez she iz shur da naybors luv us.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Vizzit from Antie Vi
Da day befor today I wuz da lukkiest hownd! Furst, da hole howse habbed da most noze tikkling smell! YUM! It wuz evry place an' den it wuz joyned by an nudder smell - sweety taters witch we LUV!! I fot da day cud not get enny bedder, but it did! Furst, Antie Vi camed in wif her mama - a sweet lady hu iz neerly pawfeckt. I will 'splane later. She came wif a hyooodj bag ov doggy treets...O jus' da fot ov it!!
Scyooz me, I gotta wipe my flews on da cowch - dis habs me droolin'.
Ok, now on wif da story. Dey satted in da kitchin wile Mama wuz werkin' an' dey wuz eetin' da pre-dinner goodies. Dey habbed spinich dip wif chips - Hugo luvs da spinich. Dey habbed torteeya chips an'' dis iz ware we fownd owt Vi's mama wuz fer evry chip her mama habbed, we eech gotted wun. Mama's rools went rite owt da window :). Yippee! Den wen Mama sed dinner wuz reddy,dey went into da eetin' table an' den - gess whut? Antie Torrie showed up! It wuz gwate!! An' dat wunderful fray grans - well it wuz a ham! Not jus' enny ham,but a JIANT ham! But not fer us :(. We did get lots ov sweet taters an' peeses ov roll, oh, an' wunce in a wile a pee wud eskape sumbuddy's eetin' fingy. But whut a wunderful day it wuz! We gotted a yeers worf ov pets an' skritchis an' mor treets dan Mama wud ever allow. We eben did owr bestest trik ov playin' "freez it" wen dey went fru da gate an' we letted dem go. Reelly! We stayed rite ware we wuz wifowt moovin' eben a wisker!
I hope we see dem agan soon - compinny iz fun.
Scyooz me, I gotta wipe my flews on da cowch - dis habs me droolin'.
Ok, now on wif da story. Dey satted in da kitchin wile Mama wuz werkin' an' dey wuz eetin' da pre-dinner goodies. Dey habbed spinich dip wif chips - Hugo luvs da spinich. Dey habbed torteeya chips an'' dis iz ware we fownd owt Vi's mama wuz fer evry chip her mama habbed, we eech gotted wun. Mama's rools went rite owt da window :). Yippee! Den wen Mama sed dinner wuz reddy,dey went into da eetin' table an' den - gess whut? Antie Torrie showed up! It wuz gwate!! An' dat wunderful fray grans - well it wuz a ham! Not jus' enny ham,but a JIANT ham! But not fer us :(. We did get lots ov sweet taters an' peeses ov roll, oh, an' wunce in a wile a pee wud eskape sumbuddy's eetin' fingy. But whut a wunderful day it wuz! We gotted a yeers worf ov pets an' skritchis an' mor treets dan Mama wud ever allow. We eben did owr bestest trik ov playin' "freez it" wen dey went fru da gate an' we letted dem go. Reelly! We stayed rite ware we wuz wifowt moovin' eben a wisker!
I hope we see dem agan soon - compinny iz fun.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Owr Fanksgiving Mirackles
Not only did it snow on Fanksgiving, but a flower growed in owr garden for da furst time. It wuz sooo cold owt! Don't hav enny ideya how dat flower came dere. We did not get to go wif Mama an' Papa to Gramma's, but dey brot us back turkey an' lots ov gud smells. We hav so menny fings to say fank yu for. An' Mama sez fank gudness we wuz gud!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Helpful houndies
Now, furst fing I shud tell yu iz Hugo iz az old az durt. He sumtimes haz pwoblems makin' it to da doggy dore, speshully wen he bin sleepin'. He wakes up an' finks if he wawks fru a dore, he iz owt. NOT. Sumtimes he ackshully goze fru da doggy dore an' can't find owt how to get back innit. So he woofs. And he woofs.
Ennyhow, dis mornin' Mama coms down da stares an' seez a puddle by Hugo's chare. Wile she iz gettin' stuffs to clean it an' spray it, she stops in da washer room to put on slippers. Hmm...somfin' did not feel rite. Takes her footie owt an dere iz sumfin brown on it. EEeeeeewwwww! Now ware did she step in dat?? Yup, neer da puddle. So after she cleened it offa her foot, gotted her shooz on, mopped up da puddle an' sprayed it wif pee stuff, she went fer tishoo to pick up da pooper ware ebber dey were. Only 2 wuz left - da wun she pikked up an' da wun I pikked up! See? I helped her owt an' so did Vito hu gotted sum befor Mama gotted dere at awl. So Mama only had wun widdle piece to pick up an fro away. An' yu fot houndies cud not help cleen, rite? Hehehe. Never under es - ,er, esti, uh...wemember we kin do ennyfing if we wanna. Now to get my turkey treet...
Ennyhow, dis mornin' Mama coms down da stares an' seez a puddle by Hugo's chare. Wile she iz gettin' stuffs to clean it an' spray it, she stops in da washer room to put on slippers. Hmm...somfin' did not feel rite. Takes her footie owt an dere iz sumfin brown on it. EEeeeeewwwww! Now ware did she step in dat?? Yup, neer da puddle. So after she cleened it offa her foot, gotted her shooz on, mopped up da puddle an' sprayed it wif pee stuff, she went fer tishoo to pick up da pooper ware ebber dey were. Only 2 wuz left - da wun she pikked up an' da wun I pikked up! See? I helped her owt an' so did Vito hu gotted sum befor Mama gotted dere at awl. So Mama only had wun widdle piece to pick up an fro away. An' yu fot houndies cud not help cleen, rite? Hehehe. Never under es - ,er, esti, uh...wemember we kin do ennyfing if we wanna. Now to get my turkey treet...
We ar fankful
Hugo an' Vito an' me wer finking abowt Fanksgiving an' we reel lized dat we ar lukky hounds. We gots snuggy comfy beds wen we wanna sleep in dem an' Mama's bed wen we don't. We gots yummy food an' a gramma dat cooked speshul turkey jus' fer US . We gots a Mama an' Papa dat gets gilty cuz dey left us alone an' gived us extra treets! An' wen dey got home, extra snuggles, too! We got a nickzillyun toys to play wif an' a hyooj bak yard to run an' play in. AND we hav a doggy dore so we can go dere wen we want to. Best ov awl we hav Camp Arfur to hav frends com an' visit us an' a Mama an' Papa dat lets dem...ackshully invites dem! Hmmm...dere iz a pat turn yu see it? I fink da fing we ar most fankful for iz owr Mama an' Papa an' da home we awl share. We ar not homeless hownds enny mor!
Sooo we try to gets munny fer to help da howndies dat ar still homeless! Dats wy I rited my book! I awlreddy sended munny to da ole doggies at House ov Puddles an' I wanna send sum to Antie Leslie in 'Tana fer her homeless howndies to keep warm (cuz it is brrrrrrrrrrr!!! cold dere!) I hope mor peeples will get my book so I kin help 'Tana Basset Reskew too. Dey reelly need it! Hugo likes da ole doggy reskews like HOP an' Senior Houndsabound so we hav dem on owr list too. Me? I wanna help dem AWL!! Why? Evry houndy shud hav a home an' sumbuddy hu luvs dem. Like me.
I am such a lukky boy!
Sooo we try to gets munny fer to help da howndies dat ar still homeless! Dats wy I rited my book! I awlreddy sended munny to da ole doggies at House ov Puddles an' I wanna send sum to Antie Leslie in 'Tana fer her homeless howndies to keep warm (cuz it is brrrrrrrrrrr!!! cold dere!) I hope mor peeples will get my book so I kin help 'Tana Basset Reskew too. Dey reelly need it! Hugo likes da ole doggy reskews like HOP an' Senior Houndsabound so we hav dem on owr list too. Me? I wanna help dem AWL!! Why? Evry houndy shud hav a home an' sumbuddy hu luvs dem. Like me.
I am such a lukky boy!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Hu wudda thunk?
Nebber thot I'd be riting this - dat my brudder iz a brave but dum hero. Last nite I wuz takin' my nappy on da big chare an' I cud heer Vito wif hiz deep ol' "WOOF!" owtside. I figgered he wuz woofin' at da gotes an' I had awreddy had my turn an' it wuz time fer my nap. Mama kep heerin' him an' got da lite an' went to see whut he wuz barkin' at. Furst she gotted him in da howse in case it wer a bare or skunk or sumfin' like dat. She surched evryware but cudn't see nuffin' but a pare ov peepers shinin' up in da gote pen. Yellow peepers, reddish uppy-sticky eers...mus' be Pippicat - an' dat wud explane da nukklehed barkin' hiz branes owt. So she cawls..."Pippi!" Nuffin' but a blink. "Heer Pippi!" Nuffin' - jus' an udder blink ov da yello peepers. So Mama, dum lady dat she iz, opinned da gote gate an' wawked up da hill. Now da goties wuz nurvuss. Dat werried Mama cuz dey iz not afrade of much. Dey gots horns! (I kin teww yu frum furst hand speeryense). So Mama wawked. Az she went up da hill, da critter got up an' ran away but not far. Den she cud see da bushy tale - a fox! So she shooed it an' it ran a liddle mor, but still not owta da gote pen (witch iz pritty big - bowt a aker). Now she coms an' gets me an' Vito - cawz gosh darnit I am woke up now. She haz us sniff da yard an' pee an' stuff...but no barkin' cuz dere wuz no fox dere now.
So hu wudda thunk my brudder wud be a heero? Not me. He's a dum pane in da...fooey Mama iz sayin' nuh-uh. So I tole yu an' now it iz nappy time agan.
Vito on watch
So hu wudda thunk my brudder wud be a heero? Not me. He's a dum pane in da...fooey Mama iz sayin' nuh-uh. So I tole yu an' now it iz nappy time agan.
Vito on watch
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Old dog gets da cookies
Whelp, today my ayngshunt brudder showed he iz still da bestest feef ebber. Mama filled owr boles fer supper an' putted Hugo in da kitchin, me at my spot in da eetin' room an' Vito in hiz crate (ware he goze awl by hisself az soon az she pix up da boles.) We awl did whut we iz spozed to an wuz eetin' nice. Suddinly Mama jumps up an' runs fru da kitchin gate jus' in time to catch Hugo suckin' up cookies as fast as he can. A parent lee he kin still reech doze hard to git at playses. She chased him owt an' tried to keep me frum runnin' in to finish da job. An' she did it, too. Kep me owt. Nex he ran behind Mama's chare wif Vito on his tail an' Vito jus' kep sniffin' an' breevin' in da cookie smell an' I bet he cud evin tayst dem on Hugo's breff. Ennyway, we ar awl in owr corners now an' droolin' an' dreemin' abowt steelin' cookies.
Yer never too old to be bad, I gess. Or luv cookies.
Yer never too old to be bad, I gess. Or luv cookies.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Colleckshun continyooed
Mama is on da war path agan. Vito mooved hims colleckshun to da bedroom. NOT a good moove on his part! She is tossin' it owta da windoe. She still mad frum last nite wen he waked me up to go owtside to bark at a critter in da dark in da middle ov da nite. I bet it wuz da Pippicat, but hu can be shur wif my nutty brudder? Ennywayz, Mama an' Papa gotted waked up (an' probly da naybors too) an' we gotted scolded an' sent to bed.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
My weerd brudder
Mama iz a widdle upset. She fot she had cyoored Vito ov a very bad habbit. But she fownded hiz latest colleckshun hid behind her rockin' chare. He collecks woolly bares an' stinky bugs. He digs da woolly bares (day iz liddle wormies wif a fuzzy cote) owt ov da leefs an' brings dem in. Da stinky bugs com in on dare own but he finds dem an' stashes dem wif da woolies. I fink da naybors herd her find dem. Yup, priddy shur. Now da wooly bares iz back owtside ware day belong an' da stinky bugs ar in da sukky monster dat cleens up owr hares. Cuz if yu tuch a stinky bug...dey stink!
Well, fer da time bein', Vito haz a colleckshun ov yellow balls in hiz crate. We wiww see how long he duz dat. Mama better hope fer frost soon. :)
Well, fer da time bein', Vito haz a colleckshun ov yellow balls in hiz crate. We wiww see how long he duz dat. Mama better hope fer frost soon. :)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Mama's noo toy
Mama came home wun day wif a noo toy. Now let me eggs plain dat she duz not fink it iz a toy. It iz to do werk (she sez), but fer me an' my snotty brudder Vito it iz da most funnest toy evver!! Furst she plugs it in da wall, den she turns a swich and BRRRROOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM!!! Da leefs blo awl over da place and moov down da yard an' Vito an' me run an' run an' run an' it iz soo much FUN!! Ov corse, Mama can't use her arms after dat fer a wile, but it is sooo worf it! Back to da yard to run wif da wind maker dat bloze da leefs!! YIPPEEE!!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Arfur 4, garden gluvs zero
Today Mama an' Papa taked away awl owr leefs. Patooey! So wen Mama went in da howse an' taked off her gluvs an' jacket, I stayed owtside until I herd her take Papa a drink in da frunt. AHA! I wuz pretty shur I cud reech her garden gluvs on da' wen she came in she looked on da flore an dere wuz da evvy dense. Uh, I meen whut wuz left ov her gluv. Now we bin fru green, yellow, red an' now purple. Hope she gets an nudder culler fer me to taste! :)
Do I hav nooz fer Mama!
Today is leef pickup day. Boo! We wannaa keep dem longer! We will see whut happins won't we? hehehe
Oh! An' I heerd Mama tawkin' abowt takin' owr pitcher fer howliday cards. BWAHAHAHAHA!! Do we hav a s'prize fer HER!!
Oh! An' I heerd Mama tawkin' abowt takin' owr pitcher fer howliday cards. BWAHAHAHAHA!! Do we hav a s'prize fer HER!!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
A hart to hart tawk wiff my mama
Mama an' me had a reelly nice tawk wile we wuz snugglin' da udder day. It wuz abowt leefs. Yep, leefs - da kind on da treez. She wuz goin' on an' on an' ON abowt how purty dey ar diss yeer an' how looonnng dey lasted an' how brite da cullers ar an' how dey ar bedder dis yeer dan menny udder yeers. An now dey ar fallin' down an' eben now dey ar so pritty amung da empty treez - brite yelloes an' brilly ant reds - whutever doze ar. Ennyway yada yada yada...yu no whut I meen.
Now me an' Vito LUV doze leefs! Not for whut dey look like - nooo! Dey ar FUN! Dey ar so crunchy an' dey fly so hi an' dey ar so neet to run fru!! An' we jump in an' owt ov da piles of leefs - woof! woof! woofin' da hole way!! It iz even bedder when Mama iz blowin' dem wif da leef masheen dat iz like da wind! Wheeee!! rownd an' rownd an' rownd we go makin' da leefs fly as we go! Whut fun! My frend Coop wudda luvved it...I shur miss him. Ennywayz, I hope yu get to play in leefs...wun ov God's bestest toys!
Till nex' time...
Monday, November 1, 2010
New month, old mischiff
Whelp - furst fing I gotta say she askeded for it. Yu fink she wudda lurnd by now not to wawk away frum her brekfist. But she did. She lefted her brekfist drink on her desk wif a crakker. Now, is it MY fawlt dat it spilt all over da plase? It taked a pile ov towls to mop up under da 'puter, da fone, da stapler, da printer, da screen fingy wif da pitchers on it, da speekers, her notes, reseets an' papers, da flore...yu get da pitcher. An' me? I gotted da crakker.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Makin' Mama pay
Dis week Mama went owt two dayz in a row an' left us fer howrs an' hours awl alone. Before she went she put lots ov washed pants an' shirts an stuffs on da line owtside. Dat wuz da furst day. Wen she gotted home, she wuz rushin' arownd doin' fings an' not payin' neerly enuff attenshun to us boyz. Owt da dore she went wif da fold up baskit to bring in da wash. She opinned it up an' put it down, hung up da bag ov allygaytor pins an' taked da furst fing offa da line. A towel. Pawfeckt. I came owta da doggy dore, wawked strate over to da baskit, pikked up my leg an' let 'er rip! My aim wuz gwate!! Hit not only da baskit, but da towel inside it, too! OOOOH MAMA WUZ MAD!! But hey! so wuz I fer gettin' lefted home.
Nex' day she goed agan. Dis time it wuz later so she werked arownd da howse an' yard afore she leeved. When she came back she feeded da gotes an den as she wuz scoopin' poopers in da back yard she sed, "Wate! Whut iz diss???" "Here, in da leefs near dis extra big pile ov.......AAARRRRFFFUUUURRRRR!!! Whut did yu do???!!!" In comes Mama wif a s'prize. "Iz dis a pare ov Daddy's pants??!!" "It IS a pare of Daddy's pants!!! And da buttin iz on da grownd nex' to dem!" Corse she sed it better 'n' dat, but yu get da ideeah. "BAD DOG!!" Yep. Dat's me. So gess whut she did durin' da Werld Seereez game dat nite? Yep. Sew on da buttin. She wuz lucky...I did not chew it dis time...only taked it offa da pants. Just wate till she leevs us nex' time! I got a plan!
Well, Happy Halloween! Gotta go scare da kiddies :) Hmm....or maybe not so I cud get sum pets an' treets.
Nex' day she goed agan. Dis time it wuz later so she werked arownd da howse an' yard afore she leeved. When she came back she feeded da gotes an den as she wuz scoopin' poopers in da back yard she sed, "Wate! Whut iz diss???" "Here, in da leefs near dis extra big pile ov.......AAARRRRFFFUUUURRRRR!!! Whut did yu do???!!!" In comes Mama wif a s'prize. "Iz dis a pare ov Daddy's pants??!!" "It IS a pare of Daddy's pants!!! And da buttin iz on da grownd nex' to dem!" Corse she sed it better 'n' dat, but yu get da ideeah. "BAD DOG!!" Yep. Dat's me. So gess whut she did durin' da Werld Seereez game dat nite? Yep. Sew on da buttin. She wuz lucky...I did not chew it dis time...only taked it offa da pants. Just wate till she leevs us nex' time! I got a plan!
Well, Happy Halloween! Gotta go scare da kiddies :) Hmm....or maybe not so I cud get sum pets an' treets.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Halloween sprize
Today Mama wuz owt werking in da yard. Evry now an' den she wud go in fer a drink an' stuff. Wile she wuz drinkin' her tea, Vito an' me wer takin' turns puttin' sumfin in owr mowfs. I wuz rollin' it arownd on my tung, tuckin it in my cheek, puttin' it on da flore, den givin' Vito a turn. Mama kep sayin' "whut do yu hav?" But we pwetended not to heer. Whelp, we gotted tired of it an' left it by da dore. She wuz rakin' agan an' pickin' up awl da nuts an' she saw owr liddle prize...ackshully, SPRIZE! Gotta hand it to her she wuz pwetty cool abowt it...pikked it up wif da pooper scooper an' putted it in da poop bucket. O, did I tell ya whut it wuz? No? Well, it wuz da hed ov a chickmunk. We did not chew dat part up (I fink Vito eated da udder end), it wuz pawfeckt an' sorta pwetty in a groosum sorta way (to uze a peeple word cuz we didn't fink it wuz yucky like Mama did). Now lets see, whut can we do next?
Wunderful time ov yeer
Dis iz da gratest time ov yeer fer collecktin' stuffs. I hav awlreddy started my nut colleckshun, but I don't fink I can colleckt awl da nuts befor mama gets dem cleened up. Vito habs a weerd colleckshun. He haz a stash ov sticks...I kin unnerstand dat. But he bin collecktin deez fuzzy widdle fellas cawled - uh...fuzzy bares? No...lets see - browny bares? Nope. Dats not it...whuts dat yu say, Hugo? OH. Ok. It s woolly b-e-a-r-s.!! Dats it! But az fast az he collecks dem, mama finds dem an' puts dem in da woods. He also wikes stink buggies, but mama putted her foot down an' sed NO MORE!! Cuz, ya no, wen ya pick up a stink buggy dey get scared an' STINK! An' if ya leev dem alone, dey dont. Dere iz lots of dem dis yeer an' Vito iz habbin' a gud time chasin' em cuz dey ar buzzy. Now, I gotta see how menny leefs I can get befor mama makes me put dem back so she kin rake dem. OH LOOK! Da hard nuts ar startin' to fall now...not jus' doze acorn fingys. Gotta go add dem to my pile.
Later -
Later -
Friday, October 8, 2010
My brudder is a man - sorta
Even tho Vito (the little brat) duz not act like a grone up doggy, he haz reeched a mill stone. Whut? Hmmm...Hugo sez it iz smile stone, er, mile stone. Whutever....he haz got sum match chew ritty. In udder werds he haz beginned to drool. He never ever drooled befor now. But he started drippin' last week an' now makes big puddles jus' like me - I meen ALMOST az big az me. Now if he cud jus' stop bein' a brat.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Waneboze ar lucky
Da udder nite we had da most bootyful waneboe. It wuz hi up in da sky an' it went frum wun side to da udder. Even better, it wuz two waneboze! An' da furst waneboe got briter an' bigger, an' wider until it looked wike a meerickle! It wuz da prittyest fing I hav seen (sept fer a fwesh meetlofe). Hugo told me it wuz vewy lucky to see a waneboe (he sez spell it rain-bow but I don't beweev him.) But he wuz rite abowt da lucky part.
Dis day, Mama wuz heetin' sum lunch. She did try to carry it to her desk, but it tippeded on da way. Sooooo, I gotted a meetbawl (turkee - yum!) an' 2 sketties wif cheez in dem. Hugo sez day ar revy oilies or sumfin' like dat. Whut dey ar iz deelishus! Oh, yea, an' I gotted garlick bwed wif it. We also gotted to lick up her dwink :). She wuz not verry happy abowt it an' she did not hab a replays mint for it eever. So YUP, waneboze ar lucky! Now we ar gonna hav owr day-ly race awownd da bak yard. Mama haz da pooper skooper an' we try to beet her to - whelp, you get da pitcher!
Dis day, Mama wuz heetin' sum lunch. She did try to carry it to her desk, but it tippeded on da way. Sooooo, I gotted a meetbawl (turkee - yum!) an' 2 sketties wif cheez in dem. Hugo sez day ar revy oilies or sumfin' like dat. Whut dey ar iz deelishus! Oh, yea, an' I gotted garlick bwed wif it. We also gotted to lick up her dwink :). She wuz not verry happy abowt it an' she did not hab a replays mint for it eever. So YUP, waneboze ar lucky! Now we ar gonna hav owr day-ly race awownd da bak yard. Mama haz da pooper skooper an' we try to beet her to - whelp, you get da pitcher!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Pickled at da piknik
We habbed a Laber Day - wate a minnit - Hugo sez it's L-a-b-O-r Day. Dats whut I sed, Hugo! Laber Day! Ennywayz, Mama wuz cukin' an' bakin' fer 2 hole dayz. Papa eben paynted da front porch...why I do not unnerstand. But ennyway, Peeples started comin' an' dey brot MORE food! An' da food tabel wuz gettin' reelly reelly full. I wud stand up - not tuch it, jus' look - an Mama wud yell "DOWN, ARF!" An' dis happinned a nickzillyun times. I did not get tired, but Mama wuz warin' down...I cud tell. Den, wen she went to get sumfin', I sneeked over to da food tabel, stood up, an awlmost gotted da hole fing ov pickles! Reelly, I did! But Papa seed me an' I had to make a kwik getaway. However, I did push it over. An' dere wuz pickle joose evryware! Me an' Vito cleened it aaawwwlll, up - an' boy it wuz yummy! We did not get da chikky wings, nope, an' no hammy burgers - not eben a hot doggy. We did, howebber get lots ov dropped chips, home made doggy treets brot by Antie' Vito scored dip an' tater salad! As a treet Mama gave us eech baby maters an' sum brockly too! An' wile Vito wuz sleepin on Papa's lap last nite, he had sum reelly neet smellin' gas! Mama sed it wuz peeeyyooooeeey, but I fot it wuz AWESUM!
Mebbe I'll tell more da nex' day...bye!
Mebbe I'll tell more da nex' day...bye!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
A reelly purty day
Dis iz da mos bootyful day I hav ebber seen. Da breez wuz cool an' gud, da sun wuz shiny, da birdies wuz singin'...'sept fer da baby hawk dat skreeches awl it wuz awl pawfeckt. Well, almost. Da grownd iz cuvvered wif nuts. Mama sez it iz wike wawkin' on marbles - whutebber doze ar. So she gotted a rake, a big ol' leef rake, an' started rakin' awl doze nuts into piles. She iz up to abowt seven big BIG piles ov nuts. Iz she dun? Nope. Sheez probly gonna hav a gazillyun piles befor she iz dun. But at leest we can wawk across da yard to da safe spot ware we hab no nuts. I bet sheez gonna donate doze nuts to a skwirrel farm or sumfin. I wunder. Whut do ya do wif a trucklode ov nuts? Hmmmm....I fink abowt dat wile I'm sleepin'. Hope I don't dreem abowt hyooj chickmunks er sumfin' skerry like dat.
Nitey nite, awl.
Nitey nite, awl
Friday, September 3, 2010
Bein bassety pawt 2
I fergot da most impawtant fing abowt bein' a basset. Da noze. Fer zample, dis day I laid by da kitchen gate wif my noze stucked under it and I wined. And I wined. And I wined sum mor. Mama had dwopped a Speshul K on da flore. Dats rite. Just wun. But I cud smell it an' it wuz dwivin' me cwazy!! So I dwove HER cwazy until she camed an' opened da gate. So I cud get dat widdle Speshul K. I wuz hopin' she wud giv me mor, but no such luck. Such iz da life ov a basset noze. Dats ok cuz I fownd a tishoo later on - an' it wuz gud! I smell dinner cukkin' now, so I gotta go an' keep my noze neer da gate...just in case.
Bein' bassety
Today I wuz finkin' 'bowt whut it is wike to be a basset. Snuggly. Drooly. Stubborn, but not evry time. Fast an' slow. Yup, 'n' slow. Playful, silly...sumtimes goofy. But wun fing peeple don't awlways notiss iz we ar careful. Leery. Thotful. Not impulsive. Not uzhully, ennyway. Bassets ern trust an' trust carefully. Maybe dats cuzza ware we came frum, or maybe we iz born wif it...don't reelly know.
I do know dat I bin a gud boy fer kwite a wile now an' az I am draggin' Daddy's pants owt ov da baffroom, Mama iz not watchin' cuz she be too trustin' hehehe. She finks I am over bein' nawty. Well, mostly. But O I wuv doze buttins. Dey iz so crunchy.
But dis makes me fink ov a hyooman fawlt. Too trustin'. Dat iz why dey get dere harts broken so eezy. Dey reely beleev dat a fwend iz a fwend. Dey ar so hurt wen anudder pawson goze for da frote. But see? Dat iz wy we bassets play fite wif eech udder...den we ar prepared.
We do miss owr fwends an' famly wen day go away. But we lern to liv NOW, in da moment iz whut mama sez.' she shud reely try deez crunchy buttins.' I'm not werried cuz I am shur she will put a noo wun on fer nex' time. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I do know dat I bin a gud boy fer kwite a wile now an' az I am draggin' Daddy's pants owt ov da baffroom, Mama iz not watchin' cuz she be too trustin' hehehe. She finks I am over bein' nawty. Well, mostly. But O I wuv doze buttins. Dey iz so crunchy.
But dis makes me fink ov a hyooman fawlt. Too trustin'. Dat iz why dey get dere harts broken so eezy. Dey reely beleev dat a fwend iz a fwend. Dey ar so hurt wen anudder pawson goze for da frote. But see? Dat iz wy we bassets play fite wif eech udder...den we ar prepared.
We do miss owr fwends an' famly wen day go away. But we lern to liv NOW, in da moment iz whut mama sez.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Hewp!! Weez bein' attacked!
Vito an' me hab bin tryin' to wawk arownd da yard. We wuz mindin' owr own bizness when WHAM!! OWCH!! Whut wuz dat???
Vito started runnin' fer da doggy dore but I started wookin' fer da criminal dat attackeded us. OWCH!! Dat hurts!! Whoa, gotta run fer da piknik tabel fer cuvver. < Click!> Holey moley its not safe even heer!
But I did find owt hoo iz hittin' us. It's da treez! Dey iz spittin' nuts at us!! Da grownd iz got lots an' lots ov nuts awl over it!! It hurts yer puddies to walk on dem! Stoopid treez! Gotta go get Papa to cleen dem up so we ken enjoy owr yard. OWCH!!! Cut it owt! Oooh, dat hurts...ware iz da saw? Weel fix dem treez! not if Mama habs ennyfing to say abowt it. She sez a rake will fix it. OK - fer now. She sed if we wud stop chasin' da skwirrels dey wud be gone. Hmph! Like I beweeve dat!
Vito started runnin' fer da doggy dore but I started wookin' fer da criminal dat attackeded us. OWCH!! Dat hurts!! Whoa, gotta run fer da piknik tabel fer cuvver.
But I did find owt hoo iz hittin' us. It's da treez! Dey iz spittin' nuts at us!! Da grownd iz got lots an' lots ov nuts awl over it!! It hurts yer puddies to walk on dem! Stoopid treez! Gotta go get Papa to cleen dem up so we ken enjoy owr yard. OWCH!!! Cut it owt! Oooh, dat hurts...ware iz da saw? Weel fix dem treez!
I saved Mama
Dis mornin' Mama wuz sayin' g'bye to Papa an' wen she came in I woofed an' warned her dere wuz danger! Wuf! Wuf! WOOF! Now she stood by da kitchin gate an' wooked to see whut I wuz woofin' at. She sed, "Arfur! Dere iz nuffin' dere! Hunny dat iz a pees of da rug!" An' I woofed. Cud she not see da big hyooj monster on da flore? She came up an wooked reelly close. Oh, Arfie! It's a fly! An' yu fownded it! An' she taked her shoo an' WHAM! It wuz gon. Whew! Now we ar safe frum dat buzzy fing! I saved da day! I fink I will spend sum time in da crate ware it iz safe.
My teers ar fawlin'
Evry day I am wating at da dore for my Lady to return. I cry an' I cry an' don't pway wif Vito or nuffin'. Wy did day take her away? Mama tells me, "Arfur, she iz not comin' bak." But I dont beweev her. She hasta come bak. I wiww lay heer an' wate until she duz. Why, mama? Why iz she gon? How com peeple ar meen? Not awl peeple, but sum peeple? I am gwad I do not liv wif meen peeple enny more. Mama an' Papa luv me a hole bunch, an' my Antie Torrie, an' my Unka Mike an' Antie Alice - dey luv me. Eben my Unka Chukklehed luvs me. An' my twolegger brudder Craig - he sez I am hiz fayvorit. Wy duzn't da hole world luv? I am hurtin' so much, an' Mama an' Papa - dey hab broken harts.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
How to make yer mama laff
Today I fownd a reelly fun way to make my mama giggle an' laff. She was snugglin' wif me an' Vito watchin' her nooz an' I putted my vewvet wips nex to her eer an' furst I wicked her eer, den I softly sang in her eer. WELL!! She sed dat wuz da most bootyful sownd she ebber herd an' she laffed an petted me an' luvved on me an' kissed me on da snooter! So den I kissed her bak...more giggles. An' I sang sum mor...more giggles! Dis wuz so much fun an' wen she stopped I butted her an' gave her kisses on her wips an' sang sum mor. Whut a fun mornin' I had...cuz Vito wuz under da bwanket an' he didn't get nuffin' but a few skritches :).
Hab a reely nice day evrybuddy...yer singin' hound,
Hab a reely nice day evrybuddy...yer singin' hound,
Friday, August 6, 2010
Sitement for mama
Gess whut? This day mama went to run...air runs, ya know? An' when she duz dat, she coms back wif awl kinds of neet stuffs dat smells reeeellll gud!! Whelp, today she wuz on da rode an' tryin' to get on da innerstate (whutebber dat iz) an' she wuz awlmos' run offa da rode by a big black an' wite fingy wif lites flashin' on it. At furst, she fot she did sumfin' rong (she nebber duz, but she werries). Den, as it passeded her, she started to hed to da ramp an' WHOOPS! dere iz a big ol black an' wite truck rite behind it an' it awlmos' GOT HER!! Whew! She zipped outa da way an' den when it passed an' she gotted a hind it she seez it sez: BOM SKWAD!! Now herz is swettin' bullets cuzza she 'members dat 9 wun wun day reel well an' wen da bridge blewed up neer here an' udder stuffs. She wuz reelly re-leefed wen it went rite past her exit an' kept on goin'. Shur wuz glad it did not follow her home! Day mite hab arrested me an' Vito fer bein' nawty! Oops gotta get offa da 'puter cuz she iz comin' in da dore frum mowin' da gwass!
DWAT! An' I had mor to tell ya, too! Whelp, later...
DWAT! An' I had mor to tell ya, too! Whelp, later...
Thursday, July 22, 2010
My buddy da gote
My mama got such a sooprize da udder day. She wuz givin' ol' stale bagels to da gotes. Ov corse, I wuz yellin' at her dat I wanted wun too. Den I yelled at da gotes to share cuz dey shud not get awl doze bagels. An' gess whut!! Velveeta frew me a bagel. Yup. She frew it rite to me. Mama stood dere wike a statchew she wuz so sooprized. She cud not beleev whut she seed! An' me, well I gotted a bagel awl for myself. Back later...I got lots more to say! Bin away frum da puter too long!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Fun at Da Trowt Pawrade
On da twelf ov June we went in da big red truck to Roscoe NY. We wuz goin' to a pawrade an' piknik an' we wuz gonna see LOTS ov owr fwends. Mama wuz not feelin' wike campin', so we went for da day an' it wuz GWATE!! Wen we gots to da pawrade lineup, we seed Antie Suzanne an' Unka Mike an' Antie Alice an' Antie Lois wif Buster an' hiz noo wuz AWESUM!! Wen we walked down da street in da pawrade, peeples cheered an' yelled "yay, bassets!!" Den we looked over, an dere wuz Antie Lois tellin' da crowds "Lets heer it for da bassets!" hehehe...pwetty cool! We luv owr Antie Lois...she jus' makes stuffs so much fun! Dere wuz flotes an' jiant puppets an' bands an' old cars an' awl kinda stuffs. Da parade wuz only two bloks long, but WOW it habs lots ov stuffs!! Da peeple hab so much fun an' mama sez dat iz contayjus.
After we went to da piknic place ware peeples wuz stayin', wudja beleev day habbed a HUGE chikkin BBQ. For a jus' wun day twip, it wuz so excitin'...we can't wate till nex' yeer. An' we awl got to ware owr genyoowine Anti Kaffi bandydannas cuz mama did not for get dem...hehehe. See? Sumtimes her bwane werks. Mama sed by goin' fer da day insted ov campin' we gave a hole lot more munny to da weskew by buyin' stuffs an' waffle tikkits an' stuff. So it wuz a GUD day awl arownd.
After we went to da piknic place ware peeples wuz stayin', wudja beleev day habbed a HUGE chikkin BBQ. For a jus' wun day twip, it wuz so excitin'...we can't wate till nex' yeer. An' we awl got to ware owr genyoowine Anti Kaffi bandydannas cuz mama did not for get dem...hehehe. See? Sumtimes her bwane werks. Mama sed by goin' fer da day insted ov campin' we gave a hole lot more munny to da weskew by buyin' stuffs an' waffle tikkits an' stuff. So it wuz a GUD day awl arownd.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Back in, to ponderin'
Sorry not to rite in so long, but wots ov stuff haz happinned at owr howse. We habbed a roof blow off an' fixeded it. Den da well gotted broke an' we fixeded it. Den da seller dores broke an' we fixeded dem an' at da same time da shed roof bwew off an' we hadda wate to fix it cuz mama's papa went to da bwidge (sorta - he went sumware ennywayz). So mama's bwane bin fuzzy, but I am fixin' it! Keepin' her on her toze cuz papa's got noo yoonifforms an' she iz gardin' da buttins wike crazy! Now a fwend ov mama's bin sent to da bwidge by sumbuddy bad. Dat habbed mama in a funky pwace, but she wuz doin' ok cuz she bwusheded owr hares cuz we wooked wike buffaloes (she sed so) an' cwipped owr nales (eegle clawz) an' cweened owr stinky eers. Whelp, Vito deesided dat he wuz goin' on a wun puppy cwime spwee. Day finely started fixin' da shed rooof. Now gess why mama cawls Vito magnet mowf. Yup. Dere cud be only wun nale an' he will find it! Den he bwings it in da howse an' givs us awl goosiebumples cuz he chooz on it . Mama heers da "clink" "clink" an sez...Whut yu got, Vito!!?? Dwop dat! An' he spits it - patooey - jus' wike dat on da flore. So mama beez owtside rakin' an' rakin' an' pikkin' up stuffs to keep da Vito bwat frum gettin' dem an' STILL he finds stuffs! Now dat dey finisht an' she habs raked it 289478 nickzillyun times we fink dere ar nun left. Den ya no whut? Mama crasheded on her face in da frunt yard an' bwoke her glasses. Now diss wuz a reel oppor...oppertoo...DWAT! A reel chance to do stuffs wifowt her seein' us! Or ketchin' us cuz she iz all stiff an' owchie too. But doggone it papa came to da reskew agan! He taked her an' gotted her peepers fixed an' now she kin see us agan! Cant get away wif nuffin'! Ov corse, she always ketched us wif doze eyes in da bak ov her hed,' she heers evwyfing!! to nap fer now. Weel sprize her later wen she not expecktin' nuffin' hehehe. Or dere iz awlways tomorroe!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Ware did da dirt go?
Dis mornin' Vito an' me went owt da doggy dore to potty befor bwekfast. I wuz winnin' da race and went fru da dore, across da porch an'...WHA??? Watt happinned to owr dirt? Ware da durt wuz is all hard wike a rok. It is smoove an' hard an' sorta nice to pway on, but ware did da dirt go? How did dis happin? Last nite daddy wuz werkin' owtside very late, but he cud not make da dirt turn into rok! Cud he? It wuz not dat wet stuff dat wooks wike mud an' gets hard. It is not reelly stones, but it is like bofe ov dem. we crissenned it :). Now it is owrs. Den wen Lady an' Hugo came owt, dey crissened it too. Its gud to be a doggy. Peeple hav to read a name on fings. We just sniff.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Strange fings
A reelly strange fing happinned in da morning. Mama went to da dore an' cawled da Pippicat. She herd sumfin' comin' but not da bell of da Pippicat. All ov a sudden owt from behind da tree coms a brown gote. It got no horns an' looks reelly skinny...sorta pretty. Mama sed her name wuz Deer. Strange name for a gote but den so iz Velveeta and Cheezit. Mama ran to get her pitcher takin' box, but Deer ran away...did not even stay for da mornin' feedin'. Gess she did not wike hay and gote fud.
It has rained so much dat da grass is deep it tikkles owr tummies. I don't wike dat. Mama better get owt da big bloo monster an' get him to eet dat grass kwik! It makes me itchy awl over. No mor rain - PLEEZ!!
Rain rain go away
We want grass an' not big hay,
No rain, onwy showers
So we kin hav owr pwetty fwowers.
No more fings Dad has to fix
Like roofs an' wells an' dores dat clix
He needs no more seement to mix.
Giv him a bwake.
A rest he take.
Arfur, hu luvs hiz dad
It has rained so much dat da grass is deep it tikkles owr tummies. I don't wike dat. Mama better get owt da big bloo monster an' get him to eet dat grass kwik! It makes me itchy awl over. No mor rain - PLEEZ!!
Rain rain go away
We want grass an' not big hay,
No rain, onwy showers
So we kin hav owr pwetty fwowers.
No more fings Dad has to fix
Like roofs an' wells an' dores dat clix
He needs no more seement to mix.
Giv him a bwake.
A rest he take.
Arfur, hu luvs hiz dad
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Wanna no da fyooochur?
Hay evry buddy! Wanna noe whut iz gonna happen dis week comin' up? I cud tell yu! Wanna noe why? Mama sed if I don't kwit winin', sheez gonna send me to da middle ov nex' week!! Izn't dat grate?
An' I gotted her so 'sited dat she made a noo Cayjun fud...bwakkened pork choppies. Hers is toe tully red in da face over inventin' dat!! An' its awl be caws of me! She don't fink daddy's gonna like it, tho. She can give it to me! Yeah!
Hmm...wonder why she luks so mad?
An' I gotted her so 'sited dat she made a noo Cayjun fud...bwakkened pork choppies. Hers is toe tully red in da face over inventin' dat!! An' its awl be caws of me! She don't fink daddy's gonna like it, tho. She can give it to me! Yeah!
Hmm...wonder why she luks so mad?
Want to share my happy heart
Today I am a very happy fella. My bestest buddy habbed a very bad week an' got hurt an' cud not wawk. Da vetman gave him medisin an' now he can wawk. He iz wobbly but he can wawk. Not only duz it meen he iz gonna be ok, it meens my Antie Lois feels releef an' joy an' dat makes me very very happy. I luv my Antie an' my buddy Buster an' hiz brudder Cooper. Day ar part ov my famly. It feels so gud to not werry enny more - but I'm still a' droolin' fer my bud! So he gets awl better.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Gess whuts for supper
Mama sed tonite weer havin' hedgehoggie stoo. She cut da grass today an' sed dat I did not pik up my toys. My hole hedgehoggie famly is GONE!! Awl chopped up into widdle peeses. I told Vito he bedder pick up da toys, but no, he did not lissen. So mama, papa, an' baby hedgehoggie ar gone forever. I will not eet hedgehoggie stoo no matter how hungry I get. Ooooh, look! She wuz scarin' me! Dey ar not gone! But dey will be put away until I lern a pick up my toys wen I am told. Whew! I wuz reelly werried. Gess I better lern to lissen better. But hey! I am reelly gud at "leev it!"
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
We smeww gud enuff to eat!
To be bweef, Hugo, Lady an' me awl hav piney rezzin in owr fur. Not Vito - nuffin stiks to him - not even twubble! So sumbuddy tole mama to uze May Naze to get it owt. It duz not. duz sorta. It takes owt da widdle spots, da stikky spots, an' da not sunk in spots. It duz NOT howebber remoov da spots deep in owr fur - an' Lady habs long fur fer a basset. I hab long furs ware I am un menchunibble, an' Hugo habs sorta longish fur but not like Lady but it is soft an' not a "hard cote" wike Vito an' me hav. Whut it DUZ do iz make us taste yummy. Vito spent awl last nite likkin' Lady cuz she smelled wike a sammich. She did not care - I fink she likes dat ackshully. But mama iz goin' cwazy tryin' to figger owt how to get dis stuff owta owr fur. Dont noe why cuz we will just get sum more. We just luv to play under doze piney tweez!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Speshul Drool for Antie Sandy

I gots to teww da hole world abowt Antie Sandy and how speshul she is to me. Wifowt her I wud not be da gud boy dat I am. Way bak wen I wuz a pup, I habbed ishoos. I wud lunje at peeple dat I did not kno or trust. I nebber bited ennybuddy, but I wuz skerry. Antie Sandy showed my mama whut to do an' say an' to gib me speshul smellystuffs. AND Antie Sandy gibbed me yummy treets, too! So mama pwacktissed wif me an' now wen she sez "fwend" I kno dat da pawson will not hurt me or her and iz ok. I am now a gwate host and hav pikniks an' pawties at my howse and becawze of Antie Sandy it is FUN and not skerry enny more. I eben go to pawties at da waddles wif wots ov peeples and houndies and I am gud - well, sept for cownter croozin.
So rite now, I am droolin' speshul drool fer my Antie Sandy an' her fwends an' her babies cuz dere hearts ar bwaking an' I cannot be dere to snuggle her so I must send drool. And I am tellin' da world, "I love yu Antie Sandy!"
Cuz I do.
Here is a pitcher of my big sister Pw. Blossom hu loved her too.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Too menny sad fings
A houndie's head can barely unnerstand. So menny houndies to da menny humans wif achy harts and sad teers. Hug yer babies tonite. An' remember doze in yer prayers, dat dey need speshul comfort an' extra prayers and drool. An' pleez deer God keep us all safe tonite. I am only a liddle basset and not important, but mama sez to care for all...ALL, so pleez keep us all in yer care tonite. Tomorrow is a new day, but tonite is for sadness.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Da Baff Song
Wash my ears my silky ears
Suds my long and waggy tale
Scrub my back so long and black
Soap that fing dat makes me male ;)
Clean my big ol’ muddy paws
Get da gunkies off my flews
Rinse da suds off of me all
And I’ll look all shiny new
Hoo hoo hoo
Wash my ears my long long ears
Suds my waggy waggy tale
Scrub my back so long and black
Trim doze skritchy scratchy nails,
Rub my tummy as you scrub
Get da gunkies off my flews
Rinse da suds into the tub
And I’ll look all spankin’ new…
All shiny clean and spankin new, ya-hoo!
Wash my ears my silky ears
Suds my long and waggy tale
Scrub my back so long and black
Soap that fing dat makes me male ;)
Clean my big ol’ muddy paws
Get da gunkies off my flews
Rinse da suds off of me all
And I’ll look all shiny new
Hoo hoo hoo
Wash my ears my long long ears
Suds my waggy waggy tale
Scrub my back so long and black
Trim doze skritchy scratchy nails,
Rub my tummy as you scrub
Get da gunkies off my flews
Rinse da suds into the tub
And I’ll look all spankin’ new…
All shiny clean and spankin new, ya-hoo!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
Mama is too bizzy
Now dat da rane has stopped, mama is too bizzy to pway wif us. It's mo, mo, mo an' weed an' rake. Den she wunders why I killed my fwoggy dat went ribbit ribbit. Awl she did wuz pick up da peeses an' tell me "nawty boy!" Den she ran owt da dore agan an' we cud heer da liddle traktor cuttin' grass agan. Whut else cud I do to get her attenshun? Uh-oh. Looks like weer gettin' attenshun today. NO not nale trimmin' an' eer washin'!! NO NO NO NOT A BATH!!! Hafta tawk later...gotta run!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Frendly Sutherners
Mama jus' came in frum mowin' da gwass an' weedin' da gardens wen da fone went ding-ding-ding! She did not recugnize da number, but pikked it up finkin' it cud be wun ov her bassety fwends. She tawked an' tawked an' laffed an' laffed an' smiled a hole bunch. Gess whut? Rong number!! Dat pawson wuz callin' Loozeeyanna an' dey wuz reelly reelly frendly! Mama sed da world wud be a better pwace if mor peeples were like dat. It duz not hurt to smile an' be waggytailed. I am lernin' dat, too. Sumtimes yu mite even get tweets! If yu ar fwendly, dat iz. And pets.
So dont wurry, dont be cwabby, smile an' be frendly an' yu will feel better an' so wiww da world...reelly!
So dont wurry, dont be cwabby, smile an' be frendly an' yu will feel better an' so wiww da world...reelly!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
My Oshun City Waddle Pitchers
Arfur heer. I am soooo tired. Better let Hugo do da tellin...wif my help, of corse...but he can spell bedder dan me. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hugo here
Just ponderin'
Iz a hillbilly bone tasty like a soop bone or sharp like a chikkie bone?
Who iz da redneck if dere iz deer antlerz over a doggy howse door - slave or hound?
Who iz da redneck if dere iz deer antlerz over a doggy howse door - slave or hound?
Da mornin' after...
This mornin' mama wuz petting me and she sed "EEEEW! Arfur! Whut iz on yer hed?" Duh! Last nite Daddy gave me a emtee ice creem box. It tasted soooo gud! An' I smelled GRATE! My head wuz all crusty wif dried on ice creem. Too bad her noze is not like a basset. She cud not tell I smelled like mornin' drink ice creem. Hmmm...whut's dat called? Let me fink...Moon Doggie sumfin'...coff...COFFEE! Dats it!! Coffee. Now I gotta go find somethin' else to smell like cuz she washed it all off. Off to the yard I go...
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Cud not sleep
Evry liddle sneeze is from big allergees,
Pollens in treez flote on every breeze,
Cloggin' my noze down to my toes
I'm suffring, suffring.
Den I start to teer and my eyes start to run
Allergik itchin' is reely no fun,
Blurrin' my eyes, makin' me sigh
I hate allergies, dat sneeze.
And I start to scratchin' in ways I never do.
Rollin' on my back then showting owt "KAACHOO!"
I wud use a tishoo but I got no fums,
Medisin helps but how can I get sum?
Here comes a sneeze, mama help pleez -
Allergik, dats me.
Allergik, dats me.
Pollens in treez flote on every breeze,
Cloggin' my noze down to my toes
I'm suffring, suffring.
Den I start to teer and my eyes start to run
Allergik itchin' is reely no fun,
Blurrin' my eyes, makin' me sigh
I hate allergies, dat sneeze.
And I start to scratchin' in ways I never do.
Rollin' on my back then showting owt "KAACHOO!"
I wud use a tishoo but I got no fums,
Medisin helps but how can I get sum?
Here comes a sneeze, mama help pleez -
Allergik, dats me.
Allergik, dats me.
My furst time
Whelp, heer I am, blogging for da furst time. I am speechless at da moment. I gotta fink abowt dis a wile. Ok? I wanna tell abowt my book. It wuz much eezier to do the book than diss. But I will, uh...adjuss...I will get uzed to it. It is named ARFUR T. LEADBOTTOM SINGS and it has my pomes in it. It has lots of pitchers too frum menny years of waddles, pikniks, and my pawsonal colleckshun. Hmmm...I'll rite more later.
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