Friday, November 4, 2016

Nu pwaymate! An' how to be payshunt.

Mama bin bwowin' leefs evry day. Wast time az she opinned da dore, she fownd owr fwend watin' fer us to com owt an' pway. He wuz sittin' on da chare rite owtside da dore awl sof' n' fuzzy an' gray. She jumped abowt a fut cuz he did not wun away. Corse not!! He wuz watin' fer Vito n' me! Hiz name iz Sammy an' he iz a skwurwel. Turns owt hiz grampa wuz da memesis ov Bwossom menny yeerz ago. He tol' us da story ov her sittin' unner hiz twee awl day wifowt mooovin' watin' fer hiz gwamps to com down. Jus' wike me. Wast nite.

Papa habbed a doktor vizit, den da ferapy vizit, den day eeted owt an did not bwing us a box! But Papa wuz da hewo - he camed home 'n opinned hiz wunch box an gess whut!! He did not eet hiz chikky sammich! So gess hu gotted to eet it!! Yup!! Vito n' me!! Den Papa went to watch dat pikchur box an' Mama wuz reedin' a buk. Me? I wuz shur dere wuz a big cwum on da kitchin flore. I sat owtside da gate. I cud snuffwe (Mama sez snuffle) sumfin' on da flore owt dere, so I cwide. An' I cwide. An' I cwide. An...I CWIDE!! Mama cud not take no mor. She gotted up, pikked up da kitty fud, den let me go inna kitchin. Nuffin. Der wuz NUFFIN!! My noze duz not fale!! Wy wuz der NUFFIN?? Dat Pippicat musta eeted da crum. Dat stoopid kat. If she didn't hab rayzer footies, I'd show her! Nex' fing, Papa stiww watchin' hiz show, Mama reedin' her buk, an' me? I wuz siwentwy nappin' in my dog bed. Papa cud not beleev it. Hey, I no wen to kwit. Not so dum to push my wuck.
Tiww nex' time,


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