Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I snitcheded on my brudder

Da last cupple ov weeks, Mama fot sumbuddy wuz yoozin' up a hole lot ov tishoo for da madjik bole. She wuz gonna hav a long tawk wif papa abowt it. But I ratted owt da reel cull prit. Mama awlso wundered wy Vito habbed an awful lot ov doze widdle toobs to chew on. She leevs da emty wuns in a basket in da baff room an' lets Vito hewp hisself (heez pretty gud abowt not takin dem awl at wunce). I wuz woofin' at da liddle snot an' Mama came to look an' dere he wuz, gwabbin' da loose end an' runnin' away wif it. She iz forebber pikkin' up shredded tishooz, but she is such a dummy cuz she did not ketch on until she ackshully saw him do it. Fanks to me. :)
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I NO BEDDER dan to do stuff wike dat! I only emty tishoo boxes - wen sheez not lukkin' ov corse.

Till nex' day,

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mama's gote adbenchur plus panties in da snow

Awl winter wen der iz snow an' ice, da gate to da barn iz open fer plowin'. Gotes do not clime fru da ice an' snow...dey stay in dere widdle howse, or neer it. But it gotted warm an' Mama saw da woods wuz meltin' so she clozed da gate so da gotie wud not get owt. She wuz in a hurry to pik up Antie Torrie, so - cloze gate, start car, go down driveway, pull into road, drive away...OOPS!! Whut wuz dat??? Layin' in da front yard in front ov da big ol green tree wuz white - not a pile ov snow - it wuz Cheezit!!@#%^ Mama sed dangnabbit dat gote (not in doze werds) an' had to turn arownd da car, come bak, go in da howse, get da neerest fing a gote wiww eet (witch wuz Weet Chex), run owt, hunt down da gote hu wuz no longer layin' dere, chase her back into da feeld. Uh-oh. Mama habbed clozed da gate. Now she hadda manoover rownd dat gotie, up to her ankles in mud an' wadder, pull opin da gate wifowt loozin' dat gote, bribe her in, feed her da treets, den wade owt agan wifowt lettin' her 'scape.
Az she climed bak into da car, her feets were goin' skwish skwish an' she wuz awl wored owt, but da job wuz dun. Az she drove da car bakwards, Vito an' me wer watchin' frum da top ov da woodpile (we no dat makes her nervuss) an' we wuz laffin'!
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Nuffin' borin' arownd heer! Wate till she gets home an' finds her unders in da bak yard snow bank! hehehe...

Who me?? I'll blame Vito ;)

Friday, February 11, 2011

wun mor sleepless nite

Last nite I wuz sleepin' in my bed nex to Mama's bed, so tired frum playin' wif Vito owtdoors. Mama an' Papa wuz asleep too, but just. Vito wuz under da cuvvers in Mama's bed. Hugo had felled asleep in da big chare down stares. Furst, Mama woke up heerin' "grrrrrrrrrr-woof!", "grrrrrrrrr-woof!!" Grabs da liddle lite, shines it on me...I do not look up even, Vito is still under da blankies wif hiz noze on Daddy. Shines da lite owt da dore an' dere stands Hugo in da hawlway. Oh! He's got a lite now an' coms in da room an' climes on hiz bed an' curls up. Aaaah. Evrybuddy back to sleep. Not much later Mama jumps owta bed cuz dere iz barkin' owt doors. She iz a liddle confyoozed an' staggers to da steps an' stumbles down wif da lite heddin' to da bak dore. Dere iz Hugo "woof! WOOF! Let me in!", he sez. She goze to open da dore, but Vito haz got up an' runs owt an' leeds da ol' man in. Dis time Mama crawls up da stares, staggers to da bed, an' awlmost sits on Hugo cuz he gotted dere furst. :) I never got owt ov my bed, an' Papa never woked up eben. Hugo settles bak in hiz bed an' we ackshully got to sleep until 4 wen I clime into bed wif Mama (evry day at dat time) until da radeeo makes noyz at 5:30. Mama iz hopin' dis iz not da noo normal. Cuz Hugo bin woofin' evry nite dis week. Whelp, it duz not bother me. But it iz no fun havin' a crabby Mama in da mornin'! Shur hope Hugo sleeps awl nite tonite.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Da advenchurs of Hugo da Aynkshunt

Hu wud fink dat ol' man Hugo wud get in twubble? Whelp, dis day he slep reel late after bwekfist an' wen he duz dis, he finks it iz a diffrent day. So furst he goze owtside. Nex fing we heer iz "WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!" meenin' "HELP HELP HELP!!!" Mama goze a-runnin' owt da dore an dere iz Hugo up on da hill witch iz solid ice. Ice on da bottom, too. Only a cupple steps ar not icy. So Mama goze slippin' an' slidin' across da ice to da steps, crawls up da steps like we do, an' calls Hugo to com to her. Yeah, rite! But fer wunce in a bloo moon he did do it. She gots hiz coller an' skootched him over to da edge ov da steps. Den she lifted him a widdle bit an' he gots hiz puddies on da steps an' ran down an' slid across da bottom ice to da patty-oh an' ran up on da porch. Whew! Close cawl. Den Mama hadda tippy toe across dat ice to get bak to da porch too. She brotted Hugo inside, turned arownd to anser da fone, an' gess whut!! Hugo iz rite bak owtside an' on da ice. She runned owt, but Vito showed him ware to go an' get bak dis time. How com he did not remember whut he did a minnit befor?? Mama sez its doggy Als himers. Yup. Dats my ol' brudder.

Arf - lukkin' for da nex' advenchur

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A post from Mama

Vito has always had a strange proclivity for Christmas toys. He pulls out every Santa, red and green toy in the toy box...a common occurrence for him. However, this last event has me stumped. Arfur eats too fast. I put a Kong in his bowl to slow him down a little. We have, red, and orange. Only the red one was out of the toy box so I grabbed it and threw it in. Later in the evening, I heard "clink, clink, clink", and turned to look. Here was Vito with the red Kong which he took and lined up with the penguin, Santa woobie, Santa hedgehog, and red and green checkerboard squeaker toy. Next to the bowl...the black Kong. I am still scratching my head. I think we have proven that dogs aren't least HE isn't. Or maybe he's psychic. Perhaps we should get him a ouija board.

Beth, slave to Hugo the ancient, Arfur the aufor, and Vito the, well, the challenge

Mama shud reelize dat Vito wuz awlwayz a liddle weerd. Not bad weerd. Jus' diffrent. Heez a pretty gud brudder - a lot ov fun to play wif. I gotta run now cuz he iz takin' my seet nex to Papa! Later..........


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My dad Mr. Mole

Der iz a reezon dey cawl my dad Mr. Mole. He can dig like no buddy else. To prove dat, he finisheded da place fer Vitti by diggin fru snow, ice, frozen durt, roks an' under durt. But he did it.

An' dis day da neetest fing happinned. Mama wawked owt to plow an' da tree wuz full ov bloo birdies. LOTS of dem! Pretty cool. Dem an' doze yeller wuns wuz evryware.

I am sleepy...till tomorrow,