Friday, February 11, 2011

wun mor sleepless nite

Last nite I wuz sleepin' in my bed nex to Mama's bed, so tired frum playin' wif Vito owtdoors. Mama an' Papa wuz asleep too, but just. Vito wuz under da cuvvers in Mama's bed. Hugo had felled asleep in da big chare down stares. Furst, Mama woke up heerin' "grrrrrrrrrr-woof!", "grrrrrrrrr-woof!!" Grabs da liddle lite, shines it on me...I do not look up even, Vito is still under da blankies wif hiz noze on Daddy. Shines da lite owt da dore an' dere stands Hugo in da hawlway. Oh! He's got a lite now an' coms in da room an' climes on hiz bed an' curls up. Aaaah. Evrybuddy back to sleep. Not much later Mama jumps owta bed cuz dere iz barkin' owt doors. She iz a liddle confyoozed an' staggers to da steps an' stumbles down wif da lite heddin' to da bak dore. Dere iz Hugo "woof! WOOF! Let me in!", he sez. She goze to open da dore, but Vito haz got up an' runs owt an' leeds da ol' man in. Dis time Mama crawls up da stares, staggers to da bed, an' awlmost sits on Hugo cuz he gotted dere furst. :) I never got owt ov my bed, an' Papa never woked up eben. Hugo settles bak in hiz bed an' we ackshully got to sleep until 4 wen I clime into bed wif Mama (evry day at dat time) until da radeeo makes noyz at 5:30. Mama iz hopin' dis iz not da noo normal. Cuz Hugo bin woofin' evry nite dis week. Whelp, it duz not bother me. But it iz no fun havin' a crabby Mama in da mornin'! Shur hope Hugo sleeps awl nite tonite.

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