Saturday, March 30, 2013

Waytin' fer da Eester Bunny

Dis week Vito killd my faverit fwoggy dat I taked ebry playce I went.  He wuz lukky cuz it wuz so sharp an' crunchy!  Mama wuz reelly mor upset dan me cuz it cudda hurt us.  So I iz hopin' fer da Eester Bunny to bwing me sumfin'.  But I iz wunderin'...

Mama sended candy to Craig in UT,  awlso has sum fer Kyle hu iz spozed to go to Gramma's wif Mama an' Papa (maybe).  Den she gotted sum fer Daddy.  Nuffin' fer us dat I cud see. So its gotta com wif da Eester Bunny.

Vito awlreddy haz figgered owt ware da candy iz.  But it iz in a pwace we cannot get to.  Papa sed "Don't twust doze two - put it in an udder room reel hi so dey cannot get it!"  pout.   We reely cant get it.  Not eben Vito.
We wiww see I iz too 'sited to eben fink about it.
Till Eester!

1 comment:

  1. We hope the Easter Bunny brings you something thanks for the bunny you sent me

