Friday, May 21, 2010

Strange fings

A reelly strange fing happinned in da morning. Mama went to da dore an' cawled da Pippicat. She herd sumfin' comin' but not da bell of da Pippicat. All ov a sudden owt from behind da tree coms a brown gote. It got no horns an' looks reelly skinny...sorta pretty. Mama sed her name wuz Deer. Strange name for a gote but den so iz Velveeta and Cheezit. Mama ran to get her pitcher takin' box, but Deer ran away...did not even stay for da mornin' feedin'. Gess she did not wike hay and gote fud.

It has rained so much dat da grass is deep it tikkles owr tummies. I don't wike dat. Mama better get owt da big bloo monster an' get him to eet dat grass kwik! It makes me itchy awl over. No mor rain - PLEEZ!!

Rain rain go away
We want grass an' not big hay,
No rain, onwy showers
So we kin hav owr pwetty fwowers.
No more fings Dad has to fix
Like roofs an' wells an' dores dat clix
He needs no more seement to mix.
Giv him a bwake.
A rest he take.

Arfur, hu luvs hiz dad


  1. we lubb you daddy too arfur

  2. Hi Arfur:
    We don't got grass in our yard, just rocks and green plants that don't taste good. We has to walk waaaay over to the park to play in the grass. We don't got no goats neither.

    Miss Molly of Vegas & Hank the Tank

  3. Whew! Mama misseded my hedjyhog an nudder time! It is safe an' sound up by da goties. No hejyhog stoo tonite! I bedder bring dem in.

  4. Uh, fergot to say dat da bloo monster eeted da grass. No more tikkled tummies today!

  5. wow I wish our dad hd a blue monster
    mom says our backyard looks like a jungle
    Our black cat Max has been hunting in the jungle and keeps bringing in these mice things
    We lubs your book

  6. Arfmybud, as I've said afore, me thinks you have a MUCH more interesting life than moi! Manly lurps, Pw Gus
