Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sekund, no - thurd puppyhood

Mama bin on da warpaff lately.   Vito iz on hims sekund puppyhood, but me, its gotta be da furd or forf wun.  So far da skore iz two pare ov papa's pants  (dats two buttins ), two pare ov mama's unders, a cupple pee spots, a snark at da Pippicat (cud not ketch her), and best ov awl, a snootful ov nemmies.  Whut's nemmies?  Dey iz widdle red, yeller, gween  rownd fingies dat taste gud an' habs nems on dem.  Sum eben gots peenuts in dem.  Mama duz not gib us nemmies, but I helped myself a cuppla times.  Like today.  Da telly fone rang an' Mama gotted up to fetch it so I jus' tasted a cupple ov her nemmies.  Too bad she only habbed a widdle bit an' she cotted me  afor I cud eet dem awl.

Last nite wuz crooz nite.  An' as uzuall we gotted annownced on da radio az "basset roylty" an' Papa's traktor gotted put in da pwace of honner.  We gotted TONS ov pets  from a nickzillyun peepulls hu fot Vito an' me wuz cyoot.  I wuv crooz nite. I jus' sniff an' sniff an' sniff da sweet smewws all nite ov hammy burgers from da Burger King an' pizza frum da pizza store. I dreem gwate dreems evry crooz nite. An' sumtimes, wunce in a wile, we gets to taste da goodies, too.

Till nex' time...

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