Friday, October 21, 2016

Arfur da Boss

AAARRROOOO!!! Arfur heer sayin' hi to ol' frenz.  Finely got da sekretarry reddy to go. Swapped her inta shape, I kin teww yu. Ennyway, dis dayz story...

Furst ov awl, I bin hewpin' Papa paynt da howse. Yu no how sum bassets hab a lace eer? Weww, I gots a TEAL eer. Not awl teal, jus' a pwetty patturn on da bottom. Jus' to proov to Mama dat I bin hewpin' an' not in da way.

Awso, Mama pwomisses evry day to take us to da park. An' sumfin' awlways keeps her frum takin' us. So today, she finely taked us to da pawk. Gotted dere, taked Vito owt ov da car, den goze to get me an' I wiww NOT get owt ov dat car. She tride cukkies, she went in da bak an' gotted da steps she habs fer dwivin' stwange bassets an' I taked wun luk at dem an' wud not budj. I awlso wud not let her pick me up an' get me owt. She finely lef' me dere an' taked Vito fer a VEWY short wawk cuz I started to cry, bawk, an' sing da song ov my peepulls. Udder peepulls wuz lukkin' an' shakin' dere heds at da crool mama hu leff her baby awone.  Vito gotted turned rownd an' putted bak in da car. He wawked abowt mebby less dan owr driveway at home. hehehe...No Wun takes Arfur fer a wawk wen it iz time fer my dinner! Yup. Eggzackly. Did I get owt ov da car at home? Yu betcha I did an' ran rite in da howse an stud by my dish an' wayted fer da fuds. Arfur iz da boss an yu bedder beleev it!
Tiww nex' time...



  1. It's nice to see you back. I love to read your entries. Hugs and love to you.

  2. It's nice to see you back. I love to read your entries. Hugs and love to you.

  3. Arfur, I really enjoyed your blog!

  4. Arfur, I really enjoyed your blog!

  5. Hey Arfur! Good to see you got your secretary whipped back into shape!
    Momma Sandi & the Red Bay gang

  6. Hi Arf...welcome back. We missed you!
