Monday, October 31, 2016

Mama an' da scooper

Dis day Mama wuz cleenin' da bak yard wif da scooper. Da leefs ar on da grownd an' it waz takin' her a wong time. So...brite ideeya! Vito an' me went to hewp her. We ran ahed ov her an' gotted dem cleened up afor she gotted dere. But she wuz not happy. She wuz not prowd ov us. Awl she cud say wuz EEEWWWW!! Stop dat!! But we wuz a big suck sess! Da yard iz (wuz) cleen now.

Papa had scooped awl da kompost dirt owt ov da pile so we cud add leefs. Now we gots a HYUDJE mowntin to play on! We played King ov da Hill an' Mama twied to get a pitcher, but we ran down afor she cud do it.

Den she habbed to run to da stor cuz a mowse eeted owr bred (witch wiww not happin agan cuz it wiww be kep in a mowse proof pwase).  She ran in da dore awl egg sited cuz der wuz a loon on da wake. Dere iz loons evrypwase - jus wook at da tewwy vizhun...evrybuddy on dere iz loony - speshully on da nooz! But she wuz stiww awl happy an' selly braytin' findin' a loon eben if it wooks not like a loon at dis time ov yeer. Whoop pee. Dont I sownd egg sited?

Enny how it iz Hallow weenie an' jus' wike evry yeer we did not eben get wun twik or tweeter. Dey iz pwobly awl home tweetin' an' textin' an' stuffs. Of corse, Im not tewwin' if ennybuddy came wile Papa wuz at fizzycul fairappy down at Kesswer. Mebbe dis time dey wiww ackshully fix hiz weg. Time wiww teww, but I wont. hehehe. Mama an' Papa putted owt corn fer da deers, but not candy fer da kids. Dey wiww hav to com bak an nok if de want sum.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Arf (and Vito)
    We didn't get one trick or treater here at our house, either. Mama says more M&Ms for her...but won't let me have even one of fair.

    Miss Delilah Belle Basset
