Friday, December 16, 2016

Baby its code owtside

Diss mornin' it wuz so code dat da dwool wuz fweezin' on my wips! So wile Mama wuz makin' Papa's wunch fer werk, I fownd a solooshun. A cupple extwa calleries to keep me tostie. Corse, Mama did not see cuz she wuz bizzy, but much to my dizmay, Papa wuz on da bawl. He taked my booty an' went to sho Mama. She habbed got owt da creem cheez to gib me my piww and put it on da taybul. She did not see it wuz gon. Oops. Now der iz no creem cheez to take my piww. Gud fing Papa gotted it frum me befor it wuz AWL gon. Der wuz jus' enuff to swawwow my piww. Sigh.

Now I need a nap. I fink Mama duz too, cuz Vito wuz up a bunch ov times wast nite. An' evry time he comes bak in frum goin' owt, he wines by da bed fer Mama to moov so he can get innit. Oh, an' he tewws her to wift up da cuvvers, too, so he kin get under! So now she iz hackin' an' weezin' wif a code - probly cuz she did not get enuff sweep cuzza da widdul bwat!

Wemind me to teww yu da big sprize we gotted...



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