Wednesday, December 21, 2016

My furst day ov Cwissmuss

Mama iz sik an' she haz bin lissenin' to Cwissmuss songs. I jus' luv da Furst Day of Cwissmuss. So, I bwot her a pwezent fer da furst day I am cowntin. I not shur she wiked it. She laffs wen she watchez us pway turd hokky. So I bwotted in a puck fer her an' putted it in fwont ov da wood fire fingy. She jus' went to put a wog on da fire an' fownd it. At furst, she fot it wuz a wok. Den she went to pik it up an'...ooops! It wuz mewted. Dont teww her ware I am, ok? Its nise an' warm heew behind da chare. Mebbee she wiww fink it iz frum Vito.


1 comment:

  1. Oh Arf, you are very sneaky. I really don't think Mama appreciated the present but then, it's the thought that counts.
