Saturday, December 17, 2016

Impawtant job

Whelp, at nite wen I wuz twyin' to sweep, I kep heerin' a stwanje noyze. It kep' wakin' me up - okay, it waked me up wunce. Den it waked Mama. It wuz her makin' a weezy noyze. Luks wike I hav a impawtant job dis week...nurss. Da gwanpuppy iz comin' wif da hooman brudder an hiz gurlfwend. Mama iz goin' cwazy cuz now she iz sik an' cannot do whut she wanted to get weddy fer dem. She iz wippen her hares owt. At weest she gotted da tiny twee up (on Vito's cwate) an' da owtdore lites. I gotta go keep her warm...she needs sum west. (She sez she needs a beech, den she sed she needs a made, but dat iz not gonna happin enny time soon.) Teww yu bowt da sprize nex' time.


1 comment:

  1. Hope that Momma feels better soon. Keep her nice and warm.
