Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Da stories go on

Hiya. Dis iz Vito heer. Missin' my brudder ARf vewy much. But he gived me a messij to post. He weft a bunch o' bwoggies dat nebber gotted posted. He made me pwomis I wud share dem wif hiz fans fer a wile. Mama cant kwite type dem yet, but I wiww puww owt da files an' make shur she puts dem on heer. I wiww awlso share sum ov my own, tho I no dat hiz is whut peepulls want.

Da nite he weft fer da Bwidje, he givved me dis to teww.

"Vito, I am leevin' yu dis nite. I hav got awl da smewws an' pets an' luv rapped up in my spirit to keep wif me. I wiww miss yu an' speshully Mama an' Papa, but it iz time fer me to go cuz I am old an' sick. I am leevin' Mama wif a speshull gift dat only I can giv her. I am goin' by myself. After I am gon, it wiww be da furst time dat Mama will no dat I am reely gon and dat she duz not need to be afwaid ov my deff. I saw she cud not handle wen Bwossom, hu yu nebber met, an Hugo weft on dis jerney. She cud not bare to see or be neer dem. But dis time, she wiww no dat it is awlrite, dat I am not heer and dat da Arfur she luvs iz not in dis body. Dis iz my gift to her along wif awl my luv.
Dont cwy too much cuz dat wiww make her sadder. Take care ov her an' Papa an' dont be meen to da Pippicat. Yu wuz a gud brudder. But eben today yu cud not beet me in resslin or be top dog. Tomorro yu wiww be."

Wen he weft, I ran upstares to Mama an' Papa and spended da nite wif dem. I did not teww dem Arfur wuz gon. He had woofed wun last gudbye, den flew away. I wiww awlways miss him. He tawt me so menny fings. Now Mama takes me evryware cuz I hab nebber bin alone, ebber.

So wen fings settle down, I wiww start sharin' hiz files wif yu. Fank yu so much fer da menny menny messajes an' pwayers. Got to go cuz da puter iz gettin' wet...