Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Vito iz finkin' bowt da holly day

Da udder day, I wuz tryin' to take a nappy an' Vito wuz runnin' into da toy box, diggin' rownd, draggin' toyz owt into da livvin' room. Bak an' forf he went agan an' agan. At da end he laid down to take hiz nappy - in da middle ov a nickzillyun Krissmuss toys!! Now he duz not jus' do diss at da holly day. My brudder habs a Krissmiss fed dish. He jus' luvs Santa an' elvs an' bares wif Santa hats an' candy cane fingys - jus' ennyfing to do wif Krissmiss. An' yesterday Mama wuz playin' da classy icicle moozik abowt da baby Jesus an' da star an' da wize mens an' Vito laid dere an' huffed big breffs like diss: [SIGH] [moan] [SIGH] He jus' wuvs evry fing abowt dis holly day. Do yu fink he iz abby normal? I nebber met a doggy wif a Krissmiss fed dish befor. I luv da toyz, but I wuv ALL da toyz. But Vito: only red an' green an' wite toyz abowt Krissmiss - awl yeer long! Rite now it looks like owr toy box 'sploded Santa toyz evryware! An' I bet yu a prime rib dat heez gonna beg Mama to put on hims Krissmiss swedder.
Uh-oh...I jus' herd a roomer dat I mite be seein' da vetman today! I bedder go hide!

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