Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Furst Picky Nick wifout howndies

Finely woked up frum my zawsted nap after da yeerly Memo Reel Day Pickynick. We fot Mama wud be dwowned in peepulls, but ov da 50 dat wuz asked (abowt furty five ov witch we fot wud com)only elebben peepulls camed an 2 ov dem wuz not eben asked. No pwoblem - we habbed wots ov fud an' stuffs an' it turned owt to be a speshully nice party fer da hoomans. Howebber, no buddy, not wun peepull brot a doggy. Da rezult wuz dat Vito an' me gots awl da attenshun an' awl da treets - speshully sum baked by Antie Pam!! Yummy!

Dat mornin' der wuz a liddle story an' my mama, yes, MY MAMA wuz a heero! She wuz drivin' to get sum ice. She saw a big ol' slow muddy turdle in da rode, an' rite behind her wuz teen peepulls in a zoomy car comin' fast. She froo on her blinky lites, flung open da dore, ran owt in da rode an' shooed dat turdle to heist hiz hiney across dat rode faster!! Wen he wuz finely safe in da feeld an' hedded to da pond, she ran bak to her car, froo it in geer an' skee daddled owta da way ov doze teen peepulls. Whew! Jus' tellin' it wares me owt. But dat turdle wuz safe an' sownd on hims way home.

Whelp, gots mor to teww tomorrow, but fer now...nappy time!!


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