Saturday, January 15, 2011

My hedjhoggy

Santa brot me a hedjhoggy an' I luv it sooo much! He also brot me a noo woobie dat iz soft an' bloo. Vito gots a green tuff woobie an' a rope chewie. We bofe gots nylabonies, too. So heer iz da pwoblem. Vito finks he haz to hav dem awl!! He puts dem awl on da cowch, den he hops up an' growls at me. Ov corse wen he turns hims bak, I steel my hedjy an' my woobie an' put dem owtside ware he cant find dem. But he duz. An' last time it snowed...took me free dayz to find my toyz!! But he fownd my woobie furst. Whut a snot he iz! He takes my soft bloo woobie an' triez to kill it! Mama takes it away, but az soon az he gets it bak, he starts chewin' an' rippin' an' tearin' agan. Sooner or later he gets fings gutted, but Mama sews dem bak togevver an' saves da day. At leest he cant hurt my nylabonie...I am a much stronger chewer dan he iz an I cannot eben hurt it! Time fer my nap befor beddybye time. Gotta make shur I gets my spot on da cowch nex to Daddy! [Vito gets hiz lap :( ]


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