Sunday, January 23, 2011

Protecktin' Mama frum Mr. Conehead

Now dat we ar on day 4, Vito iz toe tully adjusted to hiz cone head. Mama wuz gonna take it off, BUT yu-no-hu livs on da wild side an' da secund he iz free - WHAM! He iz in trubble. Evin wif da cone Mama cant leev him for a sekund. He traps awl kinds ov fings in hiz cone...wike my hed, Hugo's hiney, furnitchur, toyz, gates, fences...evin in Mama's control. We gotted mor snow so now we hav snow, a layer ov ice, den mor snow. Vito wiww not stay on doze paffs but just HAS to go fru da deep snow. Mama sez he runs wike a sertin kinda horsey...a Rabies yan...dats it! Wif hiz short widdle wegs, he runs faster dan me fru da snow wif hiz hed up hi an hiz tale like a flag behind him and da cone bowncin' wif every step (or leap). He iz awsum!! If he turns too kwik, tho, he scoops up a faceful ov snow - witch he shakes rite owt. He can now get in an' owt ov da crate (also turn arownd in it), go up steps (not down), fit awlmost ennyplace and up an' down offa da sofa wif no help. I fink he iz a sooper heero or sumfin'. BUT I am still number wun! No madder whut. Rite? Yu bet!

Arfur - tryin' to proteck Mama's wegs frum da dredded cone

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