Wednesday, February 13, 2013

It'snot drool

Mama had to take da Auntie to da doc today so dis mornin' wuz a rush.  Papa did not hab hiz norml otemeel  witch he shares wif us.  He habbed Sinnymun Toste Kwunch.  Yummy did dat smeww gud.  I sat an' gave him my vewy best "look" but he wuz not lukkin' at me.  I wanted sum so bad!  Vito stuk hiz hed in da bole an stole sum, but I did not get enny.  Dad gwabbed hiz lunch box an' keez an' went to leev.  Mama hurried to lik hiz cheek (peeple ar weerd) an gib him hiz huggy.  She taked wun step past ware I sat an' whOOOP@!  I fink she swipped on Vito's snot - it cud NOT hab bin my drool!  I wuz not droolin'!!  ----wuz I?  Oooops.  Pippicat an' me  had weft a puddle - uh-oh.  Mama kwik gotted dwessed an' left but I fink sheez limpin'.  O brudder.  She comed home an' sheez wimpin' awl rite.  She did not eben fall awl da way down.  Papa sed dat wuz da wurst - it pulled da nee mussel. 
I can not beweev it...she gived me a noo hedjyhog.  She not mad.  She gave me da hedjy an' Vito a noo bottle fer his boddul baby beever.  Wow.  She not mad.  She luvs me.  Mebby I shud ware a towl under my chin.   Fink dat wud hewp? 
Oh, an' dis day wuz no meety heer - ash day.  Dont no nuffin bowt it but no hooman eets  much speshully meet.   Gud fing dey stiww feed US!  Whew!
Tomorro iz comin' fast...

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